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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Drug abuse among youths...........!!

The Youth-"This world demands the qualities of youth: not a time of life but a state of mind, a temper of the will, a quality of imagination, a predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the life of ease.".This is the Youth that is wild and fascinating..well ,at the same time youth and drugs abuse has become synonimous to each other .OK..!But a question arise in our mind that what is drug abuse?Drug abuse, also called substance abuse or chemical abuse, is a disorder that is characterized by a destructive pattern of using a substance that leads to significant problems or distress. It affects more than 7% of people at some point in their lives.mostly youth are engaged with this disorder..
400 billion US dollar trade in the world is involved in drug that is illegal trade of the drug.Ironically, it is bigger than trade of drug.In the world 185 billion are identified as being involved in drug abuses.

Some fact files about drug abuse::
The vienna conference march 2001 identified two global trend of drug abuse -
1)Average exposure age is going down(through gateway drugs)
2)Growth rate of drug abuse in rural woman having higher pace than male counter parts

Various substances are classified as drug abuse are as follow:
a)Alcohol (common substances use in social activities)
b)sedative(it affects at central nervous system)example: Rophynol(commonly known as roofies)it is also known as date rape drugs.
c)Stimulate(affects central nervous system)example: Caffein(present in coffee)
d)Narcotics(dipresentence central nervous system) user loose connection with surroundings example: opium,
hallucinogens(prouduces fall reality,ex:Bhang),Lysergic acid diethylamide
e)Nicotene(basically it is for fighting boredom)

Three level of drugs dependence:
1)peer group dependence
2)pshycological dependence
3)physical dependence

India position inbetween Golden crecent And Golden Traingle (Golden traingle includes-myanmar,thailand,laos,Golden crecent includes-Iran pakistan,Afghanistan) makes India extremely vulnerable to the increased drug abuse.As from these areas drugs are easly available.

Drug abuses in Sports:

To makes sports free from drug abuse
1) In 1999 Wold anti doping agency(WADA) was setup at Laussane ,switzerland.It works with international olympic committee(IOC) to free the sports from drug.
2)UNESCO intervention convention on Drug abuse in sports 2007 invited doping against sports.It made mandatory participation of other sport federation on the norms of WADA.It calls for continuous monitoring of sports persons and particularly those practices that are manipulating.

Blood doping is new taste of drug abusing.!!
Blood Doping: it is the process of changing of blood patlates because new blood patlates improve the body efficiency.

Indian contribution towards drug abuse:

-Article 21 and Article 47 give checks on drug abuse and intoxticating drinks.
-NDPS(narcotic drugs and pshycotropic substance )Act 1985
-In 1988 it was converted into prevention of illicit traffic act1988 to check the illegal trade of drugs.
-iN 2001 NDPS amendment act was passed which has exclusive provisions of quantative base punishment.
-India is signatory to UN convention on narcotic drugs 1961 and also signatory of
UN convention on pshycotropic drug subtance 1971.
-UN conviction against illicit traffic on Narcotic drugs and pshycotropic substances 1988
-Transitional crime convention 2000.

Touching upon different aspects of drugs UNDCP (United nation drug control programme)-it is the nodal agency controling the abuse of drugs. It also control UNIC(united nation infrastructutre centre).

NBC:(Narcotic controle bureau )
Hq;new delhi
for the information networkin on the drug domestically.NCB is the regulating agency in India.In 2010 DAIRRC (drug abuse information rehabilition research centre,new delhi) was setup.Which initiated HOPE(health oriented prevention education)it is an effort of checking the relationship of drug and HIV infection.

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