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Sunday, July 24, 2011

History Of Human Rights..!!

History Of Human Rights
Human rights are "basic rights and freedoms that all people are entitled to regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, language, or other status.". Human rights are conceived as universal and egalitarian, with all people having equal rights by virtue of being human. These rights may exist as natural rights or as legal rights, in both national and international law.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly  in 1948, partly in response to the atrocities of World War II. Although the UDHR was a non-binding resolution, it is now considered by some to have acquired the force of international customary law which may be invoked in appropriate circumstances by national and other judiciaries.The declaration was the first international legal effort to limit the behaviour of states and press upon them duties to their citizens following the model of the rights-duty duality.

United Nations Bodies(related to human rights)

-Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
-United Nations Security Council
-Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights
-United Nations Human Rights Council
-United Nations Commission on Human Rights (disbanded)
-International Criminal Court
-OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
-United Nations Parliamentary Assembly

THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.

 Article 1.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 2.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Article 3.

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

Article 4.

No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

Article 5.

No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article 6.

Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.

Article 7.

All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration .

Article 8.

Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.

Article 9.

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Article 10.

Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.

Article 11.

(1) Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.
(2) No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed.

Article 12.

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

Article 13.

(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

Article 14.

(1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.
(2) This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Article 15.

(1) Everyone has the right to a nationality.
(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.

Article 16.

(1) Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
(2) Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.
(3) The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.

Article 17.

(1) Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.
(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

Article 18.

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 19.

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Article 20.

(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
(2) No one may be compelled to belong to an association.

Article 21.

(1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
(2) Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.
(3) The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.

Article 22.

Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.

Article 23.

(1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
(2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.
(3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
(4) Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

Article 24.

Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.

Article 25.

(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
(2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

Article 26.

(1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
(2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
(3) Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.

Article 27.

(1) Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.
(2) Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.

Article 28.

Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.

Article 29

(1) Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.
(2) In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.
(3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Article 30.

Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

Friday, July 22, 2011

BPSC (MAINS) NOTIFICATION::53वीं से 55वीं सम्मिलित संयुक्त (मुख्य) प्रतियोगिता परीक्षा, 2011

बिहार लोक सेवा आयोग

53वीं से 55वीं सम्मिलित संयुक्त (प्रारम्भिक) प्रतियोगिता परीक्षा हेतु पूर्व प्रकाषित विज्ञापन के आलोक में दिनांक 17.04.2011 को सम्पन्न (प्रारंभिक) परीक्षा
में सफल घोषित उम्मीदवारों, जिनकी कुल संख्या 15137 है, और जिनमें सामान्य कोटि (01) के 7767, अनुसूचित जाति (02) के 2272, अनुसूचित जनजाति (03) क 134, अत्यन्त पिछड़ा वर्ग (04) के 2561, पिछड़ा वर्ग (05) के 1686, पिछड़े वर्ग की महिला (06) कोटि के 450 उम्मीदवार एवम् 403 विकलांग उम्मीदवार हैं, से मुख य परीक्षा हेतु आवेदन आमंत्रित किए जाते हैं।
मुख्य (लिखित) परीक्षा के आयोजन की अवधि के सम्बन्ध में अलग से सूचना दी जायेगी।
लिखित परीक्षा चार विषयों की होगी, जिसमें दो अनिवार्य विषय क्रमषः
  • सामान्य हिन्दी - 100 अंक -
  • सामान्य अध्ययन (दो पत्र), प्रत्येक पत्र 200 अंकों के, हांगे ।
इसके अतिरिक्त निम्नांकित वैकल्पिक विषयों में से कि न्ही दा विषयांे को ऐच्छिक विषय के रूप में रखना अनिवार्य है। बिहार लेखा सेवा के लिए
उम्मीदवारों को वाणिज्यिक शास्त्र तथा लेखा विधि, अर्थशास्त्र, गणित अथवा सांख्यिकी में से एक विषय लेना अनिवार्य होगा। प्रत्येक वैकल्पिक
विषय के दो पत्र होंगे, जिसके लिए प्रति पत्र 200 अंक निर्धारित हं।


बिहार लेखा सेवा के अधीन मूल पद पर नियुक्ति हेतु अभ्यर्थियों को किसी मान्यताप्राप्त विश्वविद्यालय या उससे सम्बद्ध संस्था से वाणिज्य, अर्थशास्त्र, गणित या सांख्यिकी में स्नातक की डिग्री प्राप्त होना अनिवार्य होगा तथा मुख्य परीक्षा में ऐच्छिक विषय के रूप में उक्त विषयों में से एक विषय लेना अनिवार्य होगा।


केवल बिहार राज्य के अनुसूचित जाति/अनुसूचित जन जाति के लिए  Rs.75/- (पचहत्तर) रूपये $ बैंक चार्ज 50/- (पचास) रूपये; कुल 125/- (एक सौ
पचीस) रूपये तथा अन्य के लिए 300/- (तीन सौ) रूपये + बैंक चार्ज 50/- (पचास) रूपये; कुल 350/- (तीन सौ पचास) रूपये चालान के माध्यम से स्टेट
बैंक आॅफ इंडिया की किसी भी शाखा में जमा करें।

How To Apply

लिफाफा के ऊपर 53वीं से 55वीं सम्मिलित संयुक्त (मुख्य) प्रतियोगिता परीक्षा, 2011 अनिवार्य रूप से अंकित करें। उसपर अपना अनुक्रमांक, नाम एवम् पूरा पता अंकित करें।
भरा हुआ आवेदन पत्र केवल निबंधित डाक/स्पीड पोस्ट से इस प्रकार भेंजे कि शुक्रवार, दिनांक 19.08.2011 की संध्या 5.00 बजे तक परीक्षा नियंत्रक, बिहार लोक सेवा आयोग, 15, जवाहरलाल  नेहरू मार्ग (बेली रोड), पटना - 800001 को अवष्य प्राप्त हो जाए।

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Map Entry For geography students...!!

1)      nora island.....present in gulf of kachchh....shankhs famous

2)dholavira...check it out in map....locally known as Kotada Timba ...It is located on the Khadir bet island in the Kutch Desert ...indus valley site

3)divi island......seasonal isl...near false divi point...mouth of krishna...imp 4 scientific res.

4) andaman..... The tallest peak of the island called the Saddle Peak (732 Metres) is located in Diglipur. Kalpong, the only river of Andaman flows from here. The first hydroelectric project of the islands is coming upon this river..
4)      )Bhagyam- Oilfield in the Mangala area of Barmer Dist..

2)Monkey Falls-
Located in Coimbatore,near the uphill ghat road Valparai on the Pollachi-Valparai road in the Anaimalai Hills range. It is a refreshing natural waterfalls..

3)Sirohi National Park-
It is a national park located in the state of Manipur in India. Among the animals that make their homes here include the tragopan, the tiger and leopard. Its is here that the famous siroi lily (Lilium maclineae) grows naturally..

4)Changla Pass-
In J & K,on the route to Pangong Lake from the third highest motorable vehicle pass in the world..,India has decide to set up it's seed-vault in Changla,so the place is also imp...

It is a small hamlet situated 34 kilometres (21 mi) east of the town of Kalimpong,in the state of West Bengal, India. Lava is situated at an altitude of 7,016 feet (2,138 m). It is one of the few places in West Bengal to receive snow in winter. The route to Lava is scenic with the change in vegetation from tropical deciduous to the wet alpine trees of fir, pine and birch...
5)      Okinawa, a Japanese southern island, US Military air base ,main cause for Japanese PM resignation.

2.Rafah crossing , Egypt, opened after attack of Israel on Gaza bound flotilla.

3.port of Ashdod, Israel
6)      (1) gujarat..near ahmedabad...nano plant

2) madhopur beach..again in gujarat...tropex exercise

3) chutka JK ...HEP being dev by india.

4)buckingham canal....frm vijayawada to villipuram

5)madhepura....bihar...greenfield electric and diesel locomotives factories..
7)      Palatana power project.. - Tripura.

Balithua - Orissa..POSCO site..

Suryalanka - AP coast.. Epicenter of Laila cyclone hit this place

Rongcheng plateau - Meghalaya - Uranium mine controversy

Malvinas Islands....controversy btw UK and Argentina...
8)      new tiger reserves-pilbhit in up,ratapani in mp,sunabeda in orrissa,kupwara in jk.
shilgati-port of call in tripura.
9)      nimoo bagzo power project in leh distt on river indus

tellapur on outskirts of hyderabad where a mega IT SEZ is being developed

sambhajinagar is the new name of Aurangabad
10)   domas & ubhrat : wetland in Gujrat near Surat
11)   1)Aishwariya-
Oilfield in the Mangala area of Barmer,Rajasthan

Located in Chhapra(Saran),Bihar...Diesel locomotive unit is being set up here...Also has Sugarcane, Iron, Cotton,Chocolate industries operating out this place...

3)Kanwar Lake Bird Sanctuary-
The Kanwar Taal or Kabar Taal Lake at Begusarai, Bihar is the largest Fresh Water Oxbow lake in Asia..It is Approx three times the size of the Bharatpur Sanctuary.

4)Mahadayi River-
Also known as the Mandovi River.... It originates from a cluster of 30 springs at Bhimgad in the Western Ghats in the Belgaum district, Karnataka. The river, has 2032 sq kms catchment area in Karnataka while 1,580 sq kms catchment area in Goa.The sharing of water of this river is a a cause of dispute between the governments of Karnataka and Goa...(A tribunal has been constituted recently to adjudicate over the dispute)....

5)Interview Island-
Located in the Andaman Islands,to the west of Austen Strait which separates North Andaman Island and Middle Andaman Island...
12)   *omkareshwar island - in narmadariver(m.p)

*crocodile island - gulf of mannar

*butcher island - mumbai-vicinityofelephana caves

*Pigeon-cock Island This island is situated to the west of the Mangalore seaport in the Karnataka state along the coast of Arabian Sea.

*Vypin Island This island is situated in the vicinity of Kochi off the coast of Kerala
13)   1)Patalganga-
Located in Raigad dist of Maharashtra...Is a huge industrial area,near Karjat and Panvel.It has got its name from the River Patalganga. Nearest town and junction is Karjat...Site of RNRL power project...(Frontline 4th June)...
2)Sasthamkotta Lake-
Located abt 30kms frm Kollam in South Kerela is the largest fresh water lake of the state. It meets the drinking water needs of half million people of the Quilon district and also provides fishing resources. The purity of the lake water for drinking use is attributed to the presence of large population of larva called cavaborus that consumes bacteria in the lake water.The lake is a designated wetland of international importance under the Ramsar Convention since November 2002....(Frontline 4th June)
Is a census town in located close to Mangalore city in Dakshina Kannada district in the state of Karnataka, India. It is around 18 km from the heart of the city of Mangalore. The Mangalore International Airport is located at Bajpe and is popularly known as the Bajpe Aerodrome...
4)Gugamal National Park-
Has an area of 1673.93 square kilometers. Built in 1974, this park is located in Chikhaldara and Dharni Tehsils of Amaravati District, Maharashtra, India. It is part of Melghat Tiger Reserve.
The area is rich in wild mammals(Melghat Tiger Reserve was mentioned in the April edition of Yojana)
A small hill station in Chamba District, Himachal Pradesh, India...
Khajjiar sits on a small plateau with a small stream-fed lake in the middle that has been covered over with weeds. The hill station is surrounded by green meadows and dense forests. It is about 6500 ft. (1981m) above sea level in the foothills of the Dhauladhar ranges of the Western Himalayas and snowy peaks can be seen in the distance....(Chamba Dist is the place frm where the river Ravi originates...& 2010 marks the completion of the 50th year of the Indus Water Treaty...)
14)   1.Barkana Falls - Situated in the Shimoga District of Karnataka, Barkana Falls is one of the highest falls of the country. This waterfall is the primary of the hydro-electric projects of Karnataka State. The waterfall is becoming increasingly attractive for the tourists. Picnic spots and structures have been developed in the vicinity of the waterfalls.

2.Dudhsagar- Dudhsagar (the sea of milk) is a tiered waterfall located in the upper reaches of Mondovi River in the state of Goa. It is a great attraction for the tourists and visitors. Some restaurant and residential accommodation have been constructed in the vicinity of this waterfall.

3.Mekedaatu (Goat's Leap) -This is an attractive waterfall along the Kaveri in Bangalore Rural District. At this point, the Kaveri River flows through a deep gorge which is so narrow that one would think that a goat can leap and cross it. This place is about 90 km away from the city of Bangalore
16)   1)Paliivasal-
8 km from Munnar,in the Idduki district of Kerela,situated in the south Western Ghats This is the site of the first Hydro-Electric Project in Kerala and a place of immense scenic beauty....(SNC Lavalin-Vijayan scandal)
2)Rajiv Gandhi National Park-
Also known as Nagarhole National Park,is located 94 kilometers from Mysore in Karnataka.It is spread between Kodagu district and Mysore district. Located to the northwest of Bandipur National Park....The vegetation consists mainly of moist mixed deciduous forest in the southern parts, dry tropical forest towards the east, and Sub mountain hill valley swamp forest. The main trees found are Rosewood, Teak, Sandalwood and Silver oak.. has a large elephant population; and tigers, leopards, wild dogs, and sloth bears are found in viable numbers...(Frontline Feb 2010)...
Sukna is a charming locale situated at the foot hills of Himalayas, in Darjeeling District, West Bengal. It is located around 18 km from Siliguri, along the toy train route from New Jalpaiguri to Darjeeling. Sukna is the third station on the route and it is from here that the real ascent to the hills begins....(Defence Land Scam)....
is a city and a municipal council in Kaithal district,Haryana...situated on National Highway NH 65, connecting the state capital Chandigarh to Hissar. Also, it's connected through road network to Delhi via Karnal, and Patiala and Sangrur in Punjab.....(Manoj-Babli honour killing case,Khap Panchayat)...........
5)Purna River-
a river of Western India...rises in the eastern Satpura Range of southern Madhya Pradesh state, and flows westward, draining Maharashtra's Marathwada, Vidarbha region before emptying into the Tapti River....Length of Purna River is 170 km....
(Purna Patel-IPL fiasco).....
17)   #1.Bari Doab Canal The Upper Bari Doab Canal derives its water from the Ravi River at Madhopur Barrage in Gurdaspur District. It was opened in 1879. The total length of the main canal is 520 km. The Canal irrigates about 3.5 lakh hectares of agricultural land in the districts of Gurdaspur and Amritsar in Punjab. The total length of the canal along with its distributaries is 4900 km .

#2.Agra Canal Taken off the Yamuna River from the Okhla Headworks near the Okhla Village
(New Delhi), Agra Canal passes through the Faridabad District in Haryana, and the districts of Mathura and Agra in Uttar Pradesh. It helped in the enhancement of production of wheat,
rice, sugarcane, maize, pulses, and oilseeds in its command area.

#3.Bhakra Canal The Bhakra Canal system covering a command area of about 28 lakh hectares was completed in 1954. The Bhakra Main Canal originating from Rupar is 174 km long and irrigates about 15 lakh hectares of agricultural land. It has two branches: (i) paved-Bhakra J Canal, and (ii) unpaved—Fatehgarh Branch. This canal played a very vital role in making Green 1 Revolution a big success in the states of Punjab and Haryana.

#4.Indira Gandhi Canal (Rajasthan) Taken out of the Harika Barrage in Punjab, the Indira Gandhi Canal is 468 km in length. It irrigates the Ganganagar, Bikaner, and Jaisalmer districts of the state of Rajasthan. The canal has brought prosperity to these districts as wheat, cotton, rice, oilseeds, and pulses are coming out as a good crop in its command area. Some good I pastures, however, have been waterlogged and become the breeding grounds of mosquitoes.

#5.Nira Canal This canal has been taken out of the Bhima River—a tributary of the Krishna River. It provides irrigation in the states of Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. The main crops irrigated by this canal are sugarcane, cotton, maize, vegetables, and orchards. The canal has brought prosperity in its command area.
18)   #6. Sirhind Canal This is an important canal taken out at the Barrage of Madhopur on the Ravi River where it enters the plains. This canal irrigates the Bari Doab in West Punjab as far south as the Sutlej. A link canal takes surplus water from the Ravi to the Beas supplementing the flow of the Sutlej at the Harike Barrage. The Bari-Doab Canal has helped in making diffusion of High Yielding Varieties of rice and wheat in this part of Punjab.
19)   # 1. Witwatersrand, or Rand - South Africa, a gold-mining area in Gauteng Province. Since 1886, when gold was first discovered there, it has been one of the world's great gold producers. The Witwatersrand, which is Afrikaans for "white water ridge," consists of a ridge some 60 miles (100 km) long and 25 miles (40 km) wide, lying about 5,500 to 6,000 feet (1,700 to 1,800 m) above sea level. With Johannesburg near its center, the Rand is also a major urban and industrial area.

# 2. Aswan Dam - the name of two dams on the Nile River in Egypt. The first dam at Aswan, designed for irrigation and flood control, was completed in 1902. The second, called the Aswan High Dam, was built a short distance upstream from the first dam and was completed in 1970. It is considered one of the world's largest power-irrigation projects.

# 3. Gaza Strip - a region on the southeastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea between Israel and the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt. It was established by the Egyptian-Israeli armistice agreement in 1949 as a home for Palestinian refugees displaced by the creation of Israel. The strip is about 25 miles (40 km) long and 5 to 7 miles (8 to 11 km) wide, with an area of 146 square miles (378 km 2 ). It is on a semiarid, mostly barren coastal plain. Gaza is the principal city.
20)   Gunung Mulu National Park- in Borneo contains the most extensive and spectacular cave system in the world.

Many of the caves are illuminated, and visitors can marvel at 600-foot indoor waterfalls.
Every evening, when more than a million bats stream from the caves like a dense black cloud, creating an awesome view.

Paricutin Volcano - in Mexico literally came from nowhere and emerged as a new volcano starting from a moment when the ground in a farmer's cornfield opened in February, 1943, and lava started flowing out! The lava flows then continued with little interruption until February, 1952.
21)   1)Theni-(Frontline,9th April,2010)

Is a Business Center in Western Tamil Nadu.. It is the headquarters of Theni District. It is known for the large scale trading of Cardamom, cotton, chilli and textiles. It hosts the second largest weekly market in Tamil Nadu and the fourth largest in South India by turn a major centre for grape production,..output over 90,000 tonnes of Muscat grapes....

2)Jamuria-(The Hindu,9th Dec 2009)

Is a city and a municipality in Asansol subdivision of Barddhaman district,West Bengal.. composed of undulating laterite region.This area lies between two mighty rivers – the Damodar and the Ajay...It is in the heart of the coal mining zone..a 2 MW grid-connected solar photovoltaic plant has been commissioned here recently...

3)Kaladan River(The Hindu,12th Jan 2009 carried a report on the Kolodyne HEP project)

Also called the Kolodyne river,is a river in eastern Mizoram,and in Chin State and Rakhine State of Myanmar. It forms the international border between India and Myanmar..

4)Bashist(Yojana,May 2010)

Is a town in Himachal Pradesh,1.6 kms from Manali...Nestled in the Himalayas has a large number of sulphur & hot springs that are being harnessed commercially for attracting tourists....

5)Devanahalli(Frontline,23rd April 2010)

Is a city in the state of Karnataka. The city is located 30 kilometres outside the city limits of Bangalore. Devanahalli is the site of the newly constructed Bengaluru International Airport, the second largest in India. A multi-billion Dollar Devanahalli Business Park with two IT Parks are upcoming on nearly 400 acres adjoining the airport...there has been a growth of tourist traffic recently due to the impetus provided by the Bengaluru International Airport....
22) a harsh, drought-prone area in the rain shadow region of the Sahayadris........50 km frm pune.......... it has attracted a range of industries from auto manufacturer Fiat to white goods giants like whirlpool,LG....ashtavinayak temple.
23)   1.) Parechu river - A transboundary river , originates from Dutung near Parang La in Leh District of Jammu and Kashmir. The river is formed by the confluence of two water bodies. It is the only river of its kind to have its source in India, flow into Tibet near Chumar and enter the country again in Spiti, reaching Tso Morari Lake .
2.) Tilicho lake : is one of the highest lakes in the world.It is 4,949 m high in the Annapurna range of the Himalayas in Manang district of Nepal. Another source lists Lake Tilicho as being 4,919 meters high (16,138 feet).It is a tarn lake.It was also the site of one of the highest ever altitude scuba dives..
3) Mariom la - the pass that separates the Brahmaputra and the Sutlej
4) Gurudongmar Lake or Gurudogmar Lake is one of the highest lakes in the world, located at an altitude of 17,100 ft (5,210 m). It lies in the province of North Sikkim, India, only some 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) south of Chinese border.fresh water
chk out the pics of the said lakes, they are beautiful!
24)   CHANGU(TSOMGO) lake---located in east sikkim.......near china important tourist destination

RONGPO ----- located in sikkim.....teesta river flows.....famous for copper mining

Deepor Beel----- a wetland located near guwahati....having international importance under Ramsar convention
25)   #1.Kosciusko, Mount- the highest peak in Australia. It rises 7,310 feet (2,228 m) above sea level, in southeastern New South Wales, near the Victoria border, and forms part of the Australian Alps.

#2.Botany Bay, an inlet of the Pacific Ocean on the southeastern coast of New South Wales, Australia. It is south of Sydney between Cape Banks and Cape Solander. The bay is almost circular and has a diameter of about five miles (8 km). In 1788 the British government founded a colony for convicts on the site of what is now Sydney. The colony, Australia's first permanent settlement, was popularly known as Botany Bay until about 1840.

#3.Cook, Mount, the highest peak (12,349 feet [3,764 m]) in New Zealand. It is located in Tasman National Park in the west-central part of the South Island, and is part of the Southern Alps. It is called Aorangi in the language of the Maoris, the native people of New Zealand.

#4.Eyre, Lake, a large intermittent salt lake in south-central Australia. It covers about 3,600 square miles (9,300 km2) and lies 52 feet (16 m) below sea level—the lowest elevation on the continent. Lake Eyre is in one of the driest parts of Australia and contains shallow water only occasionally, after exceptionally heavy rains. Normally, it is dry for many years at a time. Intermittent streams that are usually little more than a series of water holes drain into the lake
26)   chitrakot fall located in CG....on indravati river

teerathgarh fall located in CG.... on kanger river

dudhsagar fall located in goa
27)   palitana~ in gujarat....jain religious centre

dhauli~ located in orissa near bhubneshwar......buddhist heritage site

rumtek~located in sikkim near gangtok.....a buddist monastery

ranakpur~ located in rajasthan....on aravalli hills.... jain religious center

tabo~ located in himachal pradesh in spiti valley......a buddhist monastery.... a very
isolated place near china border
28)   GirnaProject It is an irrigation project on the Girna River, a tributary of the Tapi River The Girna River originates from the Salher Peak (Maharashtra) of the Western Ghats. It helpes in the control of floods and soil erosion and provides irrigation. The project site is visited by ' a large number of tourists.
Hasdo Project Located at the Hasdo River in the state of Chhattisgarh, it is a multipurpose project. Apart from the generation of electricity, it helps in flood control soil erosion, and provides water for irrigation

Kalinadi Project It is a hydel project on the Kalinadi River in Uttar Kannad District of Karnataka. It has an installed capacity of 270 MW.

Kanjan Project This is an irrigation project in Gujarat. Since the completion of Kanjan Project, the yield of wheat, barley, oilseeds, pulses, and cotton has increased substantially in its command area.

Koyna Project This project was constructed across the Koyna River in Satara District (Maharashtra) to generate electricity. Its installed capacity was 860 MW. The power generated is supplied to the cities of Mumbai and Pune.
Mula Project This is a multi-purpose project in the upper reaches of the Godavari River. It generates hydro-electricity, provides water for irrigation and controls floods and soil erosion. The power generated here is supplied to the neighbouring towns and cities.
29)   )Sanganer-(11th June 2010,The Hindu...Sanganeri hand blockl printing art gets GI protection)....
A town situated 15 km south of Jaipur, the capital of Indian state of Rajasthan. The town is famous for handmade paper industry, textile printing and for Jain temples. Jaipur Airport is located near the town...
2)Singda Dam(11th June,The Hindu...Flooding in Manipur)
Singda dam, is a multipurpose project. Singda Dam in Manipur has been constructed by National Projects Construction Corporation Limited.The irrigation project allows water conservation and its proper usage in Manipur valley.It also houses a health resort ideal for tourists...
3)Shamirpet Lake(7th June,The Hindu..."NAG" test-fired at Shamirpet)
Shamirpet lake is popular for its artificial lake which was dug almost 50 years ago by a Jagirdar of that area...Located 24kms from Hyderabad,It is a combination of a water reserve and a deer park where several species of deer can be seen in their natural habitat...Its peaceful environs make it a great picnic spot, the shady groves keep the area cool and pleasant...
30)   @1. Diphu Pass Situated in the state of Arunachal Pradesh at an altitude of about 4000 m, it connects Arunachal Pradesh with Mandalay (Myanmar). The pass remains open throughout the year.

@ 2. Goecha La Pass (elevation 4985 m) This is a high mountain pass in the state of Sikkim in the range of the Greater Himalayas. It connects India with Tibet (China). The pass gives a view of the southeast face of Kanchenjunga, the third highest peak in the world. It remains covered with snow during the winter season.

@ 3. Thalghat This pass lies in the Western Ghats connecting Bhopal and Indore with Nashik and Mumbai. The National Highway No. 3 and the Burhanpur-Mumbai railway line pass through this Ghat. River Godavari has its source near the Thai Ghat.
31)   Bangus valley-kupwara dist of J&K..great potential for eco-tourism,and for becoming asia's largest golf course(300 taking initiative to develop it...
Hirpora wildlife sanctuary-(J&K)..old mughal road connecting kashmir valley to poonh area of jammu passes through it..govt. has decided to revive it..major environment concerns have been rasied by is major habitat of highly endangered MARKHOR ,largest goat in the world...
Gurez valley- in north kashmir....due to remoteness and feasibility problem in conventional power has been electrified through solar power....
(source....yojana magzine)
32)   Kharjiar
Himachal Pradesh is called as "Mini Switzerland"

Pitti island -- > which is a bird sanctuary and an habitat of oceanic birds is a part of Lakshadweep

Afar region in Ethiopia : a new sea is opening here

Auroville :
Auroville (City of Dawn) is an "experimental" township in Viluppuram district in the state of Tamil Nadu, India near Puducherry in South India. It was founded in 1968 by Mirra Richard (since her definitive settling in India called "(The) Mother") and designed by architect Roger Anger. Auroville is meant to be a universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony, above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities. The purpose of Auroville is to realize human unity.

is the closest and best access point of Iran to the Indian Ocean. For this reason, Chabahar is the focal point of Iran for development of the east of the country through expansion and enhancement of transit routes among countries situated in the northern part of the Indian Ocean and Central Asia. The hope is that with the development of transit routes, and better security and transit services, the benefits will reach the are residents.
33)   @ 1. Jajpur (Orissa) Carved out of the Cuttack District, Jajpur is a new district in Orissa. It is connected with Cuttack and Bhubaneshwar by roads. It has silver ornaments, cotton textile, and food-processing industries.

@ 2. Jalaun This is a district in the state of Uttar Pradersh. It is known for small industries like shoes,carpets, furniture, and food-processing. National Highway No. 25 (Lucknow-Jhansi) and the railway line from Kanpur to Jhansi pass through the city of Jalaun.

@ 3. Jalgaon This is a city and district in the state of Maharashtra. Industries in Jalgaon process cottonand manufacture textiles. Jalgaon has an ordnance factory, railway workshops, textile and leather goods industry, and fireworks factory. The National Highway No. 6 phule-Nagpur-Kolkata)passes through this city. For the tourists visiting Ajanta, it serves as the base. It has the north Maharashtra
34)   @ 4. Jalna Located on the lava plateau, it is a city and district in the state of Maharashtra. Jalna hascotton ginning mills and industries manufacturing edible oil. It is located on the Mumbai-Hyderabad NationalHighway. It is a historical city having several forts. The historian Abul Fazal was exiled here in the sixteenth century.

35)   uraium mines-


banduharang-jharkand,first open cast mine.


36)   Chutak HEP: located on Suru river, tributary of Indus river in Kargil dist of J&K. Constructed by NHPC, controversial issue between India and Pakistan.
38)   1)Malda-(News item..June 20th,2010,The Hindu)
Situated in West Bengal...It lies 347 kilometres north of Kolkata.This place is notable for the production of mango and silk..Very flood prone

2)Maheshwar-(23rd April,2010...The Hindu)
A town in Khargone district of Madhya Pradesh..It is located 13 km east of National Highway 3 (Agra-Mumbai highway) and 91 km from Indore, the commercial capital of the state.The town lies on the north bank of the Narmada River.India's 1st privately financed HEP is coming up here...

3)Ross Islands(24th Jan,2010,The Hindu)
Situated in the Andaman Island,2 km east of Port Blair and can be reached by a short boat ride from Phoenix Bay Jetty. The island is controlled by the Indian navy,which requires every visitor to sign in on entering..It is a very popular tourist destination...
39)   burhanpur.........Burhanpur District was created on August 15, 2003, from the southern portion of Khandwa District. The Tapti River flows through the district from east to west. The district is divided from Khandwa District on the north by the Satpura Range, which is also the divide between the Narmada River valley and the valley of the Tapti. The pass through the Satpuras that connects Burhanpur and Khandwa is one of the main routes connecting northern and southern India, and the Asirgarh fortress, which commands the pass, is known as the "Key to the Deccan".


Singrauli region, 220 km from Varanasi, constitutes the eastern part of Sidhi District in Madhya Pradesh. This north-central part of India includes parts of the two states, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. It covers the townships of Waidhan, Morwa, Anpara, Renukoot, Shaktinagar and Jayant....govind vallabh pant HEP....also note these....
NTPC has three Super Thermal Power Plants in the area including Vindhyachal project (3260MW) which is presently India's largest capacity power plant. NTPC's Vindhyachal project becomes nation's largest Thermal Power station.
NTPC LTD ( Singrauli Super Thermal Power Station) - 2000 MW is located in Shaktinagar
NTPC LTD ( Vindhyachal Super Thermal Power Station)- 3260 MW is located in Vindyanagar
NTPC LTD ( Rihand Super Thermal Power Station)- 2000 MW is located in Rihandnagar
A. Northern Coalfields Limited ( A Mini Ratna Company and Subsidiary of Coal India Ltd) NCL is the highest profit making subsidiary of CIL and operates largest Opencast Coal Mines of India
B. Hindalco Industries Ltd - Renukut Works( India's largest Aluminium Manufacturer and Flagship co of Aditya Birla Group)
Another important thing.......
The 3960 MW project of Sasan Power Limited has been started in a nearby area of Sasan village which is under the Singrauli Tehsil of Sidhi district in MP
40)   vapi in gujarat is the most polluted town in india,according to jairam ramesh.damangaga and kolak are the rivers polluted by it.
41)   1) Kishenganga river - tributary of jhelum(neelum), india constructing dam on it, controversy with pakistan on water sharing treaty
2) Baglihar river - india building dam on it, issue with pakistan
3) Chasma 1,2,3,4 - nuclear reactors of pakistan in kahuta (khushab)
42)   1)Kondul Island-

Island with an area of 4 square kilometres....It lies in the southern group of the Nicobar Islands.....The climate is warm and tropical, with temperatures ranging from 22 to 30°C. Rainfall is heavy due to annual monsoons and measures around 3000 to 3800 mm each year....(one of FAC's commissioned by the Indian Navy recently is named after this place)

2)Nyoma Rap-(22nd June,2010..The Hindu...A.K.Antony's visit)

A town in in Leh District, Jammu and Kashmir......There is an Advanced Landing Ground of Indian Airforce....Nearby towns are Mahe and Rupshu, the town lies on the Leh - Loma - Hanle road. It lies on the banks of the Indus River.....


A town in North Sikkim,about 120kms from Gangtok..Temp ranges from 4-12 degrees C....The town commands a panoramic view of the Himalayan mountains and is abundant in being promoted by the Govt.of Sikkim as an alternative tourist destination...(A proposed H.E.P to be constructed here was shelved in July,2009...Times of India)
43)   1..Pearl river....china's second largest waterway...flooding this year.. of crisis and mass starvation from last few years..

3..Botswana (capital..Gaborone)...70% covered by Kalahari desert...largest producer of diamond in the world...Vice President (Hamid ansari) visited ..
44)   sinthan pass;kistwar- anantnag tunel to pass through this sinthan pass, it will connect kasmir walley & doda region of jammu,ht at 12450 ft,financed under SP VEH. by j&k bank on ppp basis&Goi(pm reconstrc plan)wd help of BRO& GREF
its an alternative of sringr-jammu highway.
45)   )LOHARINAG PALA dam in uttarkashi disrict...uttaranchal...600 mw project being e
executed by NTPC...on bhagirathi river....recently in news(green lobby Vs GoI).
2)NIYAMGIRI HILLS.....u all must be knowing but do specify the tribe inhabiting the place....DONGRIA KONDH...which considers these hills sacred.(tribe Vs vedanta mining group)
3)SAVLI is an industrial town near vadodra, metro train coaches are being built for phase 2 by the german company bombardier....earlier we used to import hem but nw manufactured in INDIA under a technology transfer aggrement...
46)   Panchpatmali Hills @ damanjodi; in Koraput a tribal dominated district of orissa; Bauxite ores, Nalco Alumina Plant, Gond, korwa & kol tribes

Achanakmar @ Bilaspur CG, Biosphere reserve, schist rock system, Tropical deciduous forest, Sagwan n Bomboo dominated;
47)   Qattara Depression, an arid desert basin in northwest Egypt, about 200 miles (320 km) west of Cairo. The depression is about 70 miles (110 km) wide and about 170 miles (270 km) long. The depression's soft sands make it impassable to vehicles.

A )Ténéré, a vast region within the Sahara. It makes up most of the Republic of Niger and stretches into southeastern Algeria and northwestern Chad, bounded by the Ahaggar and Aïr mountains and the Djado Plateau. Flat, wind-eroded land and sand-filled depressions are the chief landmarks. The Ténéré is extremely arid; most of the scanty rainfall evaporates immediately. There is virtually no vegetation or animal life. Caravan routes cross the Ténéré, connecting oases such as Bilma and Agadem

B )Zanzibar, an island region of the nation of Tanzania. Zanzibar consists of a group of coral islands in the Indian Ocean off the east African coast. The total area is about 950 square miles (2,461 km2). The largest islands are Zanzibar and Pemba. The tropical climate, plentiful rain, and fertile soil make farming the main occupation. The region is the world's third largest producer of cloves and clove oil. Coconut oil and copra are also important.

C )Ifni, a former province of Spain in Africa, now part of Morocco. It covered 579 square miles (1,500 km2) and was bordered on three sides by Morocco and by the Atlantic Ocean on the fourth. Morocco ceded Ifni to Spain in 1860.
48)   Kashgarh : China center for China pak railway line..recently in news
49)   1)Khardung La - India's highest motorable pass into the Nubhra Valley.

2)Mata Kheer Bhawani Temple at Tulmula in Ganderpal: A Sacred temple of Kashmiri pandits, where Kheer Bhawani festival is celebrated.

3)Renuka dam - on giri river h.p.
50)A small compilation of points...
51)  1. Nora island.....present in gulf of kachchh....shankhs, Fish and Tourist place
2) Dholavira...-.locally known as Kotada Timba ...It is located on the Khadir bet island in the Kutch Desert ...indus valley site
3)Divi island Or divi point.....seasonal island...near false divi point...mouth of krishna...imp 4 scientific res.
4) North andaman..... The tallest peak of the island called the Saddle Peak (732 Metres) is located in Diglipur. Kalpong, the only river of Andaman flows from here. The first hydroelectric project of the islands is coming upon this river..
5. guayaquil - recent volcano in Equador
6. comoros island – Flight Accident , African island nation
7.sanjose - capital of Costa Rica ,
Capital city of
which is in political turmoil,
8. luoyang in - india going to built a Buddhist temple here, - imp.for indo china relations
9.CHIRMIRI HILLS- in chattisgarh known for forest and coal mines.. recently a mine blast took place ANJAN HILL - coal mine blast in koriya district
10. Bhagyam- Oilfield in the Mangala area of Barmer Dist..
11. Monkey Falls-
Located in Coimbatore, near the uphill ghat road Valparai on the Pollachi-Valparai road in the Anaimalai Hills range. It is a refreshing natural waterfalls..
12. Sirohi National Park-
It is a national park located in the state of Manipur in India. Among the animals that make their homes here include the tragopan, the tiger and leopard. Its is here that the famous siroi lily (Lilium maclineae) grows naturally..
13. Changla Pass-
In J & K,on the route to Pangong Lake from the third highest motorable vehicle pass in the world..,India has decide to set up it's seed-vault in Changla, which is 2nd in the world. The first Seed vault is in Svalbard in Norway.
52)Huangpo river-china.Place of world trade expo 2010
53)  . Vadinar refinery – Gujrat, oil from Mangla oilfield

Barethi, Madhya Pradesh....4000MW Power project proposed by NTPC...previously the project was planned in the Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh.Now shifted bcoz lack of support from UP govt.

Alvarado,Badajoz - Spain(coast) – Worlds largest solar pwr plant...

Kandadhar Iron ore mines.....Sundargarh dist..Orissa - POSCO

Mascarenhas Archipelago, Coast of Indonesia...Sea lvl rise...coz of Hadley walker circulation in Indian Ocean....

Seychelles, Zanzibar Sea level drop...coz of same reason cited above...

Sompeta, Srikakulam dist...Andhra Pradesh Thermal plant access denied by NEAA(National Environment appellate authority.
54)   uran -- beach , raigarh dist, place of oill spill near Mumbai
55)   Kuno palpur WLS, MP – Cheetahs to be introduced..
Nauradehi WLS, MP - Cheetahs to be introduced..
Shahgarh Landscape, Jaisalmer, Rajasthan - Cheetahs to be introduced..
Mangalam, Tirumal temple…. Panther attack
Goalpura, Guwahati, Blast on CRPF by ULFA
Choglamsar village, Leh…Cloud burst& flash floods
Oil spill in Mumbai – Elephanta Is, Vashi(near navi Mumbai), Airoli, Mondovi & Uran in Raigad dist.
Sasthamkota lake, Kollam dist, Kerala---- drying up…was a source of drinking water for 7 lakh ppl…
Parambikulam WLS, Kerela
56)   Banavasi: Its the best to place to learn ancient Indian architecture, this village in Karnataka

Hodka: The Great Rann of Kutchh and the Dand are famous of this village of Gujarat

Jyotisar: The land of Great Hindu Epic Mahabharata, it still resonates Bhagvat Geeta.Location - Jyotisar, Kurukshetra, Haryana

Aranmula: The village of metal mirrors & famous Snake Boat Race, One of the traditional Villages of Kerala, Aranmula is located about 110 kms north of Trivandrum

Lachen: This Bhutia Village of Gangtok at a height of 9200ft, shows the China Border, famous for its Buddhist Monastry, the Lachen Monastry and the natural beauty its has at such a height

Nepura: The Village where Buddha gave his first preaching and near to which he made Nalanda University, Located between the famous places Nalanda and Rajgir Town of Bihar, this small village is famous for weaving.

Chaugan: The Famous Indian Ballad Jungle Book by Kipling was written based on this village .

Friday, July 15, 2011

People participation..!!

Actually India has inbuilt  mai-baap culture and also elite bureaucrate's love toward isolation from public has created gap between govt and people..also faliure of trickle down theory in rural development has raised the issue of people participation ....  
Since the time of Aristotle  and  JS mills to  Gandhiand JP there is clear longing for people participation..the importance of people participation in development process has not only been recognised,desired adn repeatedly emphasised but its absence has been a cause of concern and at the advent oof Eigth five year plan The Panchayati raj was born of this concern...
well..People's Participation is generally reffered to when common people take part in govt decision making process..stassen observes that ,"participation is a kind of citizen intervention in administration action"...Political participation,participation in administration,social participation are basically three form of participation....!

But big question here is that where should participate..?well..Participation in decision making,participation in sharing of benefits ,participation in implementation ,participation in monitoring and education should take place......havin lots of good side effects one of critics has observed,"people participation in administration ,being a part of the political mobilisation process in india ,is determined by the elite groups at each level of administration.....

BPSC RESULT (pre) 2011::53rd-55th Common Combined (Pre) Competitive Examination, 2011.

53- 55 pre result-2011

100007 100009 100010 100013 100022 100026 100040 100041 1000 45 100049 100065 100073 100076 100081
100106 100109 100115 100140 100142 100149 100158 100178 100203 100213 100218 100219 100234 100242
100243 100254 100279 100281 100300 100312 100313 100330 100341 100345 100346 100349 100360 100362
100375 100384 100393 100404 100413 100421 100424 100432 100442 100451 100454 100457 100463 100464
100465 100467 100468 100479 100491 100496 100504 100534 100543 100555 100568 100571 100572 100576
100581 100589 100593 100594 100603 100604 100623 100625 100637 100664 100670 100681 100688 100689
100690 100693 100700 100702 100705 100712 100716 100722 100743 100749 100758 100774 100777 100792
100799 100807 100817 100823 100835 100836 100849 100857 100858 100868 100869 100870 100882 100890
100891 100900 100902 100905 100957 100968 100977 100986 101011 101013 101016 101043 101050 101051
101076 101108 101111 101112 101115 101121 101133 101146 101149 101156 101158 101171 101178 101179
101183 101188 101191 101194 101195 101197 101198 101200 101203 101212 101216 101224 101234 101235
101238 101265 101271 101282 101286 101287 101290 101297 101301 101303 101304 101306 101310 101312
101314 101316 101318 101320 101355 101367 101371 101373 101377 101386 101392 101404 101414 101415
101427 101441 101450 101462 101470 101479 101518 1015 25 101544 101567 101579 101580 101604 101606
101608 101624 101627 101655 101662 101665 101671 101672 101673 101679 101698 101701 101749 101762
101781 101791 101820 101822 101823 101824 101831 101832 101868 101871 101872 101879 101890 101898
101903 101917 101919 101921 101925 101933 101943 101951 101953 101969 101992 101994 102022 102024
102027 102033 102036 102042 102053 102082 102092 102105 102129 102130 102149 102160 102165 102201
102202 102205 102209 102251 102288 102322 102326 102330 102381 102386 102403 102415 102417 102460
102505 102512 102513 102522 102529 102533 102534 102538 102556 102571 102573 102575 102577 102583
102596 102620 102622 102651 102658 102659 102668 102669 102686 102687 102690 102695 102716 102721
102722 102742 102746 102748 102749 102761 102765 102781 102795 102798 102804 102805 102811 102815
102822 102836 102838 102841 102848 102852 102861 102864 102887 102891 102892 102901 102935 102936
103011 103013 103022 103032 103033 103042 103045 103046 103072 103081 103092 103096 103102 103107
103115 103133 103134 103136 103139 103146 103151 103154 103155 103162 103164 103174 103175 103177
103223 103229 103231 103238 103254 103257 103271 103288 103290 103312 103314 103325 103326 103334
103352 103355 103365 103370 103372 103379 1034 07 103435 103444 103445 103448 103450 103453 103466
103469 103471 103474 103478 103482 103496 103504 103526 103537 103554 103558 103565 103573 103576
103577 103586 103595 103602 103606 103619 103623 103625 103629 103633 103637 103638 103639 103640
103641 103645 103655 103672 103673 103676 103679 103689 103690 103691 103694 103695 103696 103700
103701 103703 103708 103714 103724 103726 103730 103736 103738 103740 103741 103742 103744 103745
103746 103749 103751 103758 103770 103772 103796 103800 103803 103805 103813 103814 103815 103818
103820 103823 103825 103838 103840 103863 103870 103873 103882 103883 103884 103885 103886 103887
103922 103931 103945 103962 103964 103986 103989 104010 104027 104028 104030 104034 104035 104047
104051 104065 104066 104103 104105 104111 104119 104121 104127 104133 104139 104141 104146 104153
104162 104172 104178 104181 104190 104191 104197 104199 104203 104204 104217 104220 104232 104242
104251 104253 104254 104265 104267 104268 104288 104314 104332 104351 104354 104357 104368 104382
104389 104402 104406 104409 104410 104411 104432 104434 104448 104463 104464 104471 104494 104495
104498 104515 104539 104567 104581 104585 104604 104611 104624 104625 104627 104628 104638 104640
104641 104642 104650 104655 104657 1046 61 104662 104666 104670 104680 104686 104687 104688 104693
104696 104721 104753 104764 104789 104816 104817 104818 104819 104826 104828 104830 104833 104837
104839 104845 104847 104858 104862 104896 104898 104930 104939 104943 104947 104958 104965 104967
104969 104970 104975 104977 104982 104984 104985 104987 104994 104999 105018 105023 105041 105053
105062 105083 105108 105124 105127 105130 105132 105163 105166 105176 105184 105189 105193 105200
105205 105212 105214 105215 105221 105223 105232 105235 105239 105243 105266 105269 105271 105273
105274 105306 105335 105351 105359 105363 105371 105383 105400 105414 105415 105416 105424 105430
105431 105435 105468 105470 105472 105473 105479 105480 105492 105497 105498 105510 105526 105535
105537 105538 105540 105545 105563 105564 105570 105571 105572 105588 105604 105606 105607 105623
105625 105629 105635 105650 105656 105660 105665 105675 105681 105682 105695 105703 105729 105739
105741 105748 105757 105771 105777 105784 105788 105798 105825 105826 105835 105840 105842 105846
105847 105854 105856 105858 105864 105891 105905 105951 105966 105973 105990 105991 106000 106006
106022 106025 106040 106043 106059 106076 106077 106083 106101 106104 106115 106116 106117 106119
106127 106128 106134 106140 1061 41 106142 106146 106151 106155 106159 106166 106170 106171 106178
106181 106194 106196 106200 106201 106204 106249 106269 106301 106339 106343 106344 106362 106387
106417 106434 106442 106446 106448 106449 106476 106493 106534 106537 106544 106545 106548 106582
106585 106603 106610 106621 106626 106627 106642 106645 106651 106654 106664 106667 106672 106677
106686 106687 106711 106718 106720 106740 106747 106751 106752 106754 106757 106805 106810 106814
106826 106830 106832 106833 106834 106840 106850 106851 106857 106859 106860 106866 106872 106885
106892 106893 106897 106899 106906 106910 106914 106920 106924 106929 106932 106933 106935 106948
106950 106960 106968 106969 106971 106972 106974 106976 106990 107001 107004 107008 107010 107013
107020 107021 107022 107029 107047 107050 107060 107062 107064 107066 107073 107084 107092 107100
107119 107122 107123 107124 107128 107133 107149 107161 107168 107172 107192 107193 107205 107209
107229 107231 107250 107252 107266 107279 107289 107297 107298 107305 107337 107340 107363 107371
107373 107392 107393 107403 107429 107442 107445 107447 107462 107468 107484 107488 107505 107509
107511 107519 107520 107526 107528 107558 107568 107569 107570 107571 107572 107593 107594 107595
107604 107610 107614 1076 19 107620 107628 107630 107640 107661 107662 107663 107673 107679 107685
107687 107706 107716 107720 107722 107723 107724 107725 107726 107728 107730 107734 107741 107742
107744 107746 107752 107777 107808 107810 107811 107816 107821 107822 107829 107832 107843 107849
107851 107854 107856 107857 107859 107862 107869 107872 107878 107883 107887 107888 107895 107907
107919 107924 107934 107944 107945 107958 108002 108007 108009 108017 108018 108024 108031 108039
108049 108059 108065 108072 108074 108076 108079 108088 108090 108100 108103 108109 108111 108136
108139 108146 108147 108158 108164 108174 108202 108203 108205 108208 108211 108215 108219 108222
108224 108230 108233 108234 108238 108240 108242 108243 108252 108267 108271 108273 108293 108316
108336 108338 108350 108373 108376 108386 108389 108431 108433 108435 108437 108459 108463 108495
108508 108512 108523 108524 108538 108539 108540 108554 108562 108564 108566 108572 108594 108595
108608 108609 108631 108638 108642 108643 108645 108666 108690 108704 108705 108727 108739 108745
108751 108753 108755 108763 108768 108793 108798 108803 108809 108811 108819 108821 108825 108826
108843 108844 108867 108869 108872 108873 108877 108878 108881 108882 108885 108890 108894 108921
108924 108927 1089 29 108932 108933 108938 108942 108946 108948 108950 108962 108965 108971 108975
108976 108977 108978 108980 108984 108991 108994 109000 109001 109015 109024 109039 109040 109041
109044 109065 109070 109078 109105 109124 109125 109128 109137 109139 109144 109152 109159 109161
109162 109167 109172 109173 109212 109217 109242 109246 109253 109256 109263 109274 109290 109293
109294 109295 109303 109305 109313 109320 109324 109337 109347 109349 109358 109378 109383 109385
109402 109404 109417 109428 109430 109432 109433 109435 109439 109441 109446 109447 109453 109455
109458 109463 109480 109481 109482 109486 109493 109501 109508 109510 109511 109513 109514 109516
109519 109525 109526 109528 109530 109531 109533 109540 109557 109560 109561 109564 109578 109581
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109583 109584 109592 109595 109596 109601 109605 109610 109613 109645 109655 109666 109667 109672
109674 109692 109698 109702 109705 109711 109720 109732 109741 109742 109753 109759 109762 109767
109768 109769 109771 109779 109786 109788 109796 109797 109825 109841 109862 109866 109867 109879
109887 109921 109925 109930 109931 109936 109941 109945 109962 109967 109980 109985 109987 109995
109997 110000 110001 110003 110008 110010 110015 110020 110032 110036 110038 110053 110067 110081
110084 1100 93 110094 110095 110096 110103 110108 110118 110139 110164 110188 110196 110235 110247
110267 110279 110280 110291 110325 110326 110338 110348 110350 110351 110352 110363 110364 110369
110376 110380 110382 110394 110403 110428 110430 110432 110443 110468 110473 110478 110479 110485
110487 110490 110492 110499 110500 110502 110503 110510 110527 110536 110543 110583 110617 110618
110636 110637 110641 110649 110659 110669 110688 110693 110700 110704 110725 110743 110770 110797
110805 110806 110808 110824 110830 110844 110846 110862 110867 110875 110897 110904 110905 110946
110975 111006 111008 111009 111020 111022 111028 111040 111047 111070 111071 111079 111090 111091
111092 111101 111102 111104 111131 111134 111135 111141 111147 111168 111171 111190 111225 111235
111239 111242 111243 111244 111252 111272 111281 111286 111294 111300 111331 111339 111345 111347
111351 111352 111356 111364 111366 111381 111395 111400 111405 111408 111410 111415 111417 111419
111444 111455 111461 111462 111476 111485 111501 111529 111547 111548 111551 111558 111570 111571
111579 111589 111594 111599 111621 111623 111632 111644 111646 111653 111655 111662 111665 111668
111678 111682 111695 111830 111851 111856 111876 111901 111912 111913 111915 111922 111940 111971
1120 11 112030 112037 112049 112071 112085 112097 112104 112179 112206 112220 112228 112243 112244
112248 112266 112298 112338 112344 112380 112383 112393 112421 112423 112426 112442 112444 112449
112453 112466 112470 112485 112500 112501 112510 112520 112528 112535 112564 112567 112577 112578
112588 112589 112602 112612 112629 112638 112640 112643 112645 112650 112663 112678 112695 112707
112716 112722 112726 112735 112736 112738 112741 112749 112750 112751 112754 112756 112757 112781
112789 112790 112792 112793 112815 112816 112817 112824 112830 112832 112844 112856 112869 112878
112885 112924 112932 112933 112941 112948 112949 112950 112951 112955 112956 112966 112978 112983
112992 112993 113010 113012 113021 113023 113026 113031 113033 113035 113036 113037 113063 113064
113086 113093 113104 113110 113117 113119 113121 113132 113138 113148 113149 113164 113165 113169
113172 113175 113176 113187 113190 113197 113198 113199 113204 113207 113211 113215 113216 113217
113249 113252 113254 113260 113265 113270 113273 113279 113292 113294 113297 113310 113313 113325
113326 113329 113330 113335 113336 113337 113339 113352 113355 113356 113359 113360 113362 113368
113373 113374 113387 113392 113402 113430 113434 113441 113455 113475 113479 113488 113490 113499
113508 113512 113526 113528 113533 113535 113536 113537 113545 113587 113594 113629 113634 113637
113703 113717 113719 113725 113734 113738 113739 113741 113744 113746 113750 113752 113759 113763
113767 113796 113809 113811 113812 113818 113834 113835 113836 113838 113839 113845 113864 113872
113878 113889 113895 113914 113934 113957 113961 113974 113993 113997 114007 114011 114018 114032
114039 114042 114044 114060 114064 114067 114079 114080 114082 114110 114117 114118 114121 114132
114148 114163 114167 114170 114178 114179 114187 114192 114195 114197 114198 114209 114216 114243
114274 114275 114296 114308 114317 114319 114337 114340 114350 114363 114372 114392 114401 114404
114411 114422 114425 114428 114437 114442 114443 114456 114462 114472 114483 114490 114492 114496
114500 114522 114539 114540 114566 114575 114579 114583 114591 114600 114603 114620 114622 114633
114644 114645 114653 114660 114664 114665 114685 114691 114715 114722 114729 114730 114743 114756
114757 114759 114760 114782 114797 114800 114821 114845 114850 114853 114860 114878 114918 114926
114939 114947 114950 114951 114952 114954 114958 114960 114962 114970 114978 114981 114983 114994
115003 115004 115024 115027 115031 115051 115063 115078 115083 115085 115087 115092 115103 115111
115112 115118 115121 115123 115125 115143 115151 115159 115175 115184 115204 115211 115215 115222
115232 115250 115259 115266 115368 115369 115382 115383 115394 115418 115436 115442 115478 115490
115510 115548 115549 115555 115556 115576 115579 115629 115665 115696 115726 115780 115782 115817
115820 115828 115847 115871 115879 115881 115884 115889 115891 115892 115893 115898 115934 115954
115961 115971 115972 115975 115983 115992 116017 116023 116070 116137 116144 116152 116177 116188
116189 116219 116224 116236 116242 116244 116245 116250 116269 116272 116312 116322 116333 116348
116376 116380 116387 116392 116398 116402 116418 116424 116434 116436 116442 116465 116467 116482
116486 116488 116500 116504 116505 116508 116511 116514 116518 116524 116526 116529 116541 116556
116559 116574 116593 116597 116638 116651 116694 116696 116723 116726 116734 116736 116748 116756
116758 116777 116778 116781 116784 116800 116807 116816 116824 116830 116875 116893 116897 116913
116917 116919 116920 116934 116948 116963 116991 117021 117051 117053 117054 117055 117059 117062
117074 117116 117123 117126 117130 117134 117135 117153 117154 117166 117169 117174 117175 117182
117186 117193 117201 117209 117216 117229 117233 117234 117235 117255 117261 117281 117294 117296
117302 117316 117317 117318 117335 117370 117373 117385 117404 117432 117461 117467 117484 117486
117514 117520 117521 117522 117523 117525 117526 117529 117540 117552 117592 117605 117624 117630
117633 117634 117648 117673 117684 117689 117690 117692 117724 117732 117739 117744 117748 117749
117753 117754 117756 117757 117759 117761 117768 117770 117792 117814 117824 117825 117827 117828
117835 117850 117862 117868 117890 117892 117908 117912 117916 117920 117950 117960 117988 118050
118073 118115 118131 118140 118149 118175 118178 118188 118191 118194 118208 118210 118212 118220
118236 118250 118260 118261 118266 118267 118272 118299 118308 118320 118323 118327 118340 118342
118345 118352 118362 118368 118374 118379 118381 118384 118386 118387 118389 118410 118411 118413
118420 118424 118435 118436 118437 118438 118440 118444 118454 118455 118456 118457 118465 118478
118485 118495 118498 118506 118510 118518 118520 118546 118550 118552 118554 118569 118577 118583
118584 118588 118599 118619 118625 118629 118641 118644 118646 118666 118669 118672 118673 118674
118675 118680 118684 118685 118693 118696 118702 118707 118721 118738 118741 118747 118751 118758
118759 118774 118795 118803 118805 118807 118818 118822 118832 118833 118841 118845 118853 118854
118861 118862 118869 118870 118871 118873 118882 118885 118887 118892 118905 118910 118911 118932
118934 118945 118951 118953 118968 118969 118977 118980 118981 118983 118986 118990 119002 119015
119018 119019 119021 119029 119036 119037 119047 119052 119058 119059 119060 119067 119078 119089
119092 119094 119096 119110 119121 119125 119129 119136 119139 119148 119156 119166 119183 119185
119186 119188 119190 119201 119203 119204 119209 119210 119211 119217 119219 119242 119243 119250
119259 119260 119261 119263 119271 119274 119275 119279 119281 119282 119284 119290 119295 119299
119313 119323 119324 119356 119361 119364 119400 119415 119471 119474 119485 119496 119507 119508
119514 119517 119535 119554 119557 119562 119587 119588 119589 119591 119612 119616 119680 119690
119706 119714 119718 119740 119773 119807 119809 119810 119811 119812 119820 119821 119846 119852
119860 119867 119873 119885 119888 119919 119923 119935 119941 119942 119944 119946 119963 119967
119971 119980 120002 120007 120008 120012 120021 120026 120036 120041 120045 120046 120047 120048
120059 120076 120079 120084 120156 120171 120173 120189 120191 120193 120197 120201 120216 120219
120221 120223 120226 120238 120239 120249 120265 120270 120286 120287 120296 120300 120301 120302
120304 120311 120348 120349 120361 120363 120386 120392 120408 120412 120416 120418 120419 120437
120445 120463 120464 120465 120495 120507 120513 120524 120550 120552 120560 120608 120626 120627
120658 120664 120673 120674 120675 120699 120717 120720 120733 120752 120765 120784 120793 120796
120810 120830 120844 120852 120853 120861 120865 120866 120871 120879 120880 120881 120904 120906
120907 120917 120923 120932 120934 120950 120951 120953 120954 120955 120956 120957 120960 120963
120969 120978 120983 120986 120995 120999 121010 121040 121048 121055 121057 121061 121063 121067
121068 121069 121076 121090 121115 121175 121176 121177 121189 121215 121222 121227 121231 121234
121237 121246 121266 121267 121269 121275 121278 121305 121316 121325 121333 121336 121340 121341
121348 121369 121375 121381 121387 121399 121400 121402 121405 121410 121422 121424 121427 121428
121466 121478 121485 121486 121504 121520 121531 121547 121549 121558 121570 121587 121592 121604
121676 121692 121696 121729 121746 121750 121751 121758 121767 121774 121785 121786 121811 121815
121831 121832 121833 121835 121851 121861 121864 121888 121892 121893 121902 121908 121918 121930
121936 121939 121941 121944 121946 121949 121950 121959 121980 121982 121999 122017 122029 122032
122042 122060 122083 122084 122086 122088 122096 122124 122126 122130 122131 122134 122135 122140
122143 122156 122157 122160 122179 122196 122198 122201 122211 122254 122273 122276 122290 122303
122306 122308 122314 122316 122317 122319 122342 122343 122359 122360 122366 122372 122399 122414
122416 122419 122422 122425 122437 122439 122458 122464 122494 122501 122534 122555 122557 122601
122627 122635 122636 122657 122668 122676 122683 122684 122685 122698 122703 122721 122723 122725
122732 122741 122755 122759 122760 122767 122770 122776 122781 122795 122818 122821 122826 122827
122835 122881 122907 122909 122921 122926 122936 122937 122938 122940 122946 122960 122961 122967
122970 122971 122973 122978 122986 122993 122997 123006 123007 123008 123014 123015 123025 123049
123090 123100 123104 123109 123110 123111 123123 123126 123134 123135 123147 123148 123176 123180
123208 123209 123210 123216 123224 123225 123228 123230 123231 123250 123251 123268 123287 1232 88
123293 123295 123297 123299 123310 123311 123313 123327 123350 123377 123386 123388 123396 123419
123431 123437 123457 123471 123479 123504 123506 123514 123523 123532 123560 123581 123584 123587
123614 123618 123623 123626 123627 123645 123653 123665 123675 123699 123700 123701 123706 123707
123719 123727 123731 123732 123735 123753 123759 123760 123767 123771 123773 123774 123775 123777
123780 123793 123797 123806 123833 123836 123837 123868 123870 123878 123895 123920 123922 123926
123927 123932 123936 123941 123959 123961 123964 123965 123981 123989 123991 123993 123996 124000
124007 124016 124017 124020 124024 124040 124052 124082 124108 124109 124110 124113 124114 124116
124123 124137 124138 124144 124153 124154 124157 124159 124160 124161 124168 124172 124178 124185
124186 124200 124211 124234 124248 124257 124267 124268 124276 124290 124292 124304 124310 124311
124330 124337 124353 124358 124360 124362 124375 124377 124378 124391 124393 124399 124406 124407
124409 124411 124412 124415 124437 124440 124452 124459 124463 124469 124470 124494 124496 124519
124531 124560 124602 124605 124616 124639 124647 124674 124675 124677 124680 124681 124682 124683
124684 124685 124691 124697 124705 124707 124709 124718 124719 124721 124726 124728 1247 29 124751
124774 124775 124786 124800 124810 124814 124815 124841 124849 124855 124872 124874 124889 124895
124896 124899 124911 124915 124931 124932 124937 124941 124947 124948 124953 124954 124955 124959
124969 124972 124975 124976 124987 124991 124993 125002 125004 125010 125016 125018 125033 125040
125047 125048 125049 125059 125071 125075 125085 125095 125113 125123 125132 125147 125167 125170
125183 125194 125196 125218 125223 125231 125245 125250 125259 125260 125266 125271 125279 125280
125287 125304 125307 125316 125319 125325 125329 125336 125338 125344 125346 125347 125349 125360
125370 125376 125377 125378 125382 125383 125384 125385 125386 125408 125413 125420 125422 125423
125425 125429 125450 125457 125471 125473 125475 125478 125489 125498 125501 125503 125511 125512
125514 125534 125544 125575 125602 125609 125611 125612 125627 125641 125649 125653 125661 125686
125713 125715 125719 125725 125727 125771 125773 125784 125785 125788 125796 125800 125811 125812
125831 125833 125834 125843 125873 125877 125896 125910 125917 125918 125935 125938 125942 125965
125985 125987 126002 126007 126010 126014 126015 126018 126019 126021 126022 126026 126036 126059
126072 126075 126079 126080 126086 126100 126101 126109 126115 126117 126118 1261 19 126120 126121
126124 126125 126135 126137 126141 126144 126147 126158 126160 126161 126162 126163 126164 126165
126167 126182 126184 126186 126190 126196 126197 126198 126201 126202 126207 126210 126211 126218
126223 126224 126234 126252 126255 126256 126265 126266 126276 126287 126288 126289 126290 126291
126293 126295 126299 126303 126304 126323 126324 126325 126329 126332 126333 126335 126341 126352
126357 126360 126365 126387 126402 126409 126413 126417 126422 126425 126434 126443 126450 126451
126453 126485 126487 126500 126570 126580 126601 126609 126610 126612 126616 126631 126632 126636
126639 126640 126641 126646 126649 126655 126656 126672 126677 126681 126688 126694 126699 126704
126710 126717 126728 126730 126752 126763 126767 126768 126775 126778 126789 126790 126791 126820
126823 126827 126837 126839 126851 126861 126891 126901 126903 126904 126918 126921 126922 126925
126937 126939 126945 126948 126958 126964 126965 126966 126977 126981 126993 127000 127005 127011
127014 127016 127046 127091 127103 127131 127149 127204 127213 127229 127241 127253 127262 127297
127319 127323 127332 127364 127371 127389 127393 127425 127427 127467 127468 127470 127484 127507
127550 127591 127593 127595 127612 127634 127642 127643 127692 127701 1277 10 127711 127749 127758
127759 127787 127797 127801 127806 127808 127816 127829 127832 127848 127852 127854 127868 127870
127871 127922 127936 127939 127945 127956 127960 127970 127972 127996 128007 128011 128033 128036
128037 128044 128046 128054 128084 128096 128134 128141 128147 128150 128155 128160 128216 128221
128229 128234 128236 128239 128247 128252 128261 128270 128285 128292 128300 128317 128327 128344
128387 128389 128390 128402 128407 128418 128419 128442 128457 128459 128461 128462 128501 128538
128588 128589 128604 128620 128670 128671 128675 128676 128686 128708 128746 128747 128754 128767
128795 128796 128804 128840 128849 128853 128904 128905 128907 128919 128927 128934 128940 128959
128962 129018 129035 129104 129108 129133 129142 129168 129195 129207 129228 129264 129268 129305
129385 129386 129429 129432 129433 129437 129439 129451 129455 129485 129486 129488 129495 129513
129514 129519 129523 129525 129532 129537 129556 129577 129584 129585 129610 129613 129616 129632
129640 129650 129652 129658 129661 129670 129681 129686 129688 129690 129700 129724 129725 129732
129737 129740 129742 129744 129753 129766 129773 129782 129827 129836 129865 129883 129885 129888
129893 129900 129918 129931 129932 129954 129969 129995 130015 1300 26 130028 130029 130051 130073
130091 130121 130129 130136 130201 130207 130214 130256 130266 130277 130280 130305 130307 130338
130341 130347 130365 130386 130395 130445 130457 130464 130474 130477 130512 130516 130526 130540
130553 130617 130621 130622 130623 130665 130666 130674 130678 130679 130684 130685 130686 130687
130694 130713 130714 130750 130759 130771 130786 130791 130797 130801 130816 130853 130867 130885
130903 130908 130935 130938 130946 131024 131031 131033 131040 131044 131054 131062 131065 131092
131100 131108 131117 131122 131125 131146 131151 131155 131160 131167 131177 131178 131180 131200
131203 131206 131209 131210 131212 131213 131222 131226 131227 131229 131242 131254 131257 131263
131289 131309 131313 131317 131319 131322 131324 131332 131339 131350 131351 131356 131357 131358
131369 131376 131419 131421 131425 131437 131513 131539 131543 131551 131560 131570 131583 131584
131601 131608 131611 131617 131619 131630 131631 131635 131643 131650 131658 131659 131679 131680
131681 131688 131692 131696 131698 131699 131710 131711 131741 131758 131767 131768 131772 131774
131775 131776 131779 131797 131799 131851 131881 131942 131995 132023 132025 132033 132072 132075
132084 132091 132101 132103 132104 132106 132109 132115 1321 32 132133 132144 132157 132161 132188
132190 132196 132220 132241 132245 132264 132268 132313 132314 132355 132361 132377 132384 132385
132386 132399 132403 132408 132460 132473 132475 132489 132493 132494 132495 132499 132524 132533
132575 132592 132593 132608 132624 132630 132636 132639 132656 132690 132695 132737 132740 132746
132748 132749 132750 132751 132757 132774 132780 132781 132782 132792 132793 132833 132847 132857
132880 132883 132900 132906 132930 132945 132951 132959 132978 133028 133037 133065 133075 133083
133102 133113 133120 133124 133159 133163 133176 133177 133179 133180 133182 133222 133250 133269
133272 133324 133329 133334 133357 133384 133409 133437 133456 133457 133516 133517 133544 133558
133565 133603 133610 133614 133629 133632 133646 133707 133744 133753 133761 133791 133793 133796
133809 133813 133816 133824 133830 133834 133852 133854 133862 133864 133877 133878 133953 133959
133973 133997 134007 134054 134069 134080 134114 134122 134125 134135 134137 134140 134142 134177
134185 134195 134212 134217 134219 134235 134256 134257 134270 134279 134292 134314 134331 134335
134346 134356 134369 134389 134390 134393 134407 134409 134435 134488 134500 134502 134503 134505
134506 134507 134510 134512 134520 134524 134534 1345 55 134564 134565 134578 134633 134635 134637
134664 134668 134690 134696 134699 134700 134706 134715 134717 134726 134727 134757 134775 134810
134815 134857 134867 134891 134901 134924 134925 134927 134930 134934 134935 134936 134938 134939
134942 134960 134964 134971 134973 134975 134980 134982 134983 134987 134995 134998 135000 135004
135012 135018 135026 135045 135078 135080 135082 135098 135103 135106 135114 135135 135137 135151
135162 135206 135234 135235 135276 135277 135362 135373 135386 135411 135412 135419 135466 135507
135513 135519 135522 135532 135557 135561 135562 135565 135580 135584 135589 135596 135602 135608
135611 135627 135636 135639 135648 135666 135675 135700 135701 135702 135741 135744 135756 135765
135766 135773 135778 135788 135828 135842 135876 135882 135902 135918 135926 135930 135961 135962
135965 135994 135996 136027 136034 136051 136092 136101 136107 136108 136122 136140 136141 136145
136149 136150 136160 136161 136169 136215 136216 136229 136233 136266 136275 136318 136319 136325
136332 136349 136388 136389 136398 136403 136427 136432 136439 136440 136441 136445 136471 136481
136486 136512 136536 136537 136538 136549 136550 136557 136616 136630 136642 136651 136652 136672
136682 136684 136720 136729 136744 136759 1367 60 136762 136813 136846 136868 136895 136906 136925
136938 136945 136958 136975 136980 137009 137014 137026 137060 137064 137074 137075 137095 137097
137107 137115 137117 137124 137131 137134 137140 137150 137169 137175 137188 137210 137215 137216
137232 137233 137238 137243 137272 137274 137275 137277 137293 137295 137306 137308 137313 137315
137338 137341 137347 137370 137380 137384 137404 137408 137425 137438 137454 137458 137459 137480
137496 137504 137505 137523 137538 137547 137561 137569 137570 137571 137572 137573 137590 137614
137615 137621 137622 137644 137649 137686 137697 137699 137707 137709 137710 137748 137758 137759
137770 137772 137783 137785 137786 137788 137792 137820 137829 137840 137841 137847 137858 137895
137906 137916 137932 138010 138026 138027 138034 138036 138039 138071 138083 138108 138148 138156
138158 138166 138173 138180 138196 138197 138199 138202 138212 138231 138240 138242 138250 138261
138284 138285 138292 138313 138327 138328 138337 138342 138352 138361 138362 138365 138370 138383
138390 138430 138431 138435 138438 138445 138449 138462 138464 138497 138499 138500 138503 138504
138506 138509 138514 138523 138524 138525 138535 138557 138560 138566 138596 138599 138608 138626
138635 138651 138664 138677 138682 1386 95 138707 138709 138715 138717 138733 138736 138739 138743
138744 138750 138751 138755 138760 138774 138777 138780 138785 138790 138802 138806 138821 138826
138827 138832 138847 138862 138863 138872 138877 138883 138894 138908 138909 138911 138919 138938
138940 138947 138949 138962 138966 139004 139005 139014 139030 139044 139051 139055 139066 139102
139114 139118 139120 139124 139146 139157 139161 139168 139186 139188 139212 139228 139236 139247
139283 139284 139288 139332 139334 139337 139338 139350 139373 139382 139384 139386 139392 139423
139457 139458 139465 139467 139468 139476 139482 139491 139494 139503 139512 139513 139515 139558
139571 139574 139576 139608 139616 139634 139661 139675 139677 139711 139713 139717 139735 139739
139780 139812 139813 139815 139823 139826 139827 139829 139832 139854 139866 139867 139890 139891
139904 139935 139941 139954 139967 139976 140004 140009 140024 140025 140026 140029 140073 140077
140081 140082 140085 140091 140101 140116 140120 140125 140127 140134 140149 140154 140159 140163
140166 140171 140182 140186 140188 140199 140205 140206 140208 140226 140242 140246 140283 140286
140295 140327 140336 140355 140358 140370 140386 140392 140404 140406 140418 140427 140428 140450
140495 140559 140567 140576 1406 17 140623 140633 140637 140645 140672 140675 140677 140680 140683
140684 140700 140711 140723 140747 140758 140769 140810 140813 140825 140853 140858 140860 140865
140868 140870 140878 140881 140890 140901 140905 140911 140922 141001 141002 141013 141019 141038
141042 141046 141047 141048 141093 141099 141105 141106 141109 141111 141119 141120 141129 141133
141134 141135 141136 141143 141152 141154 141172 141174 141183 141185 141186 141190 141191 141197
141198 141201 141203 141212 141220 141246 141252 141255 141256 141257 141258 141261 141265 141280
141283 141289 141293 141296 141311 141341 141346 141354 141355 141375 141377 141412 141413 141425
141436 141440 141441 141447 141455 141459 141476 141492 141493 141522 141566 141582 141584 141601
141607 141624 141633 141638 141643 141648 141661 141666 141675 141676 141724 141728 141731 141733
141737 141738 141739 141741 141742 141755 141756 141782 141787 141788 141806 141811 141815 141840
141841 141850 141861 141878 141887 141896 141900 141907 141911 141912 141914 141950 141964 141983
142001 142004 142007 142061 142067 142112 142113 142115 142119 142129 142150 142162 142163 142176
142183 142232 142234 142237 142250 142254 142324 142359 142361 142385 142447 142451 142457 142475
142485 142516 142524 1425 30 142546 142553 142556 142559 142566 142575 142580 142595 142606 142641
142659 142699 142701 142713 142714 142729 142733 142775 142796 142801 142802 142826 142829 142874
142876 142879 142918 142943 142949 142956 142963 142964 142966 142968 142973 142974 142976 142983
142988 143001 143006 143024 143031 143034 143064 143082 143099 143105 143106 143134 143153 143167
143170 143172 143187 143192 143195 143198 143199 143215 143230 143272 143275 143290 143336 143351
143364 143388 143396 143401 143404 143405 143408 143440 143453 143454 143477 143501 143513 143515
143533 143551 143560 143574 143580 143581 143582 143586 143601 143632 143642 143652 143700 143712
143714 143718 143721 143734 143737 143738 143739 143741 143752 143754 143797 143802 143810 143812
143813 143814 143823 143826 143830 143836 143839 143850 143858 143867 143883 143926 143933 143935
143959 143969 143977 143996 144024 144040 144041 144043 144044 144051 144061 144066 144080 144085
144088 144089 144096 144098 144147 144159 144161 144163 144165 144173 144176 144191 144195 144197
144198 144199 144206 144217 144218 144305 144313 144316 144317 144336 144375 144397 144411 144436
144437 144438 144469 144502 144533 144547 144566 144590 144614 144621 144669 144688 144689 144694
144703 144707 1447 16 144729 144733 144736 144738 144752 144755 144775 144788 144810 144814 144817
144827 144839 144845 144870 144887 144910 144936 144982 144984 145002 145006 145009 145010 145015
145016 145019 145020 145026 145034 145043 145046 145053 145075 145077 145087 145115 145133 145135
145141 145143 145149 145152 145159 145164 145178 145180 145185 145193 145199 145205 145206 145210
145214 145218 145239 145257 145260 145265 145266 145292 145293 145296 145340 145366 145369 145372
145399 145404 145415 145426 145427 145428 145466 145471 145472 145474 145499 145512 145522 145523
145537 145554 145567 145573 145576 145592 145595 145612 145618 145641 145678 145695 145711 145736
145737 145738 145743 145767 145787 145798 145810 145815 145830 145833 145846 145900 145963 145965
145968 146023 146060 146070 146073 146094 146111 146116 146182 146197 146233 146234 146237 146259
146266 146268 146270 146273 146278 146284 146302 146303 146304 146323 146337 146355 146360 146376
146383 146396 146422 146428 146463 146469 146487 146501 146530 146540 146561 146562 146566 146568
146570 146585 146590 146606 146624 146633 146635 146661 146691 146696 146697 146698 146737 146738
146740 146769 146776 146784 146803 146811 146849 146908 146925 146926 146965 146982 146987 146995
147020 1470 35 147077 147095 147114 147121 147133 147183 147209 147222 147224 147233 147260 147262
147263 147265 147283 147296 147315 147324 147351 147360 147380 147390 147391 147405 147406 147407
147408 147426 147445 147452 147473 147481 147495 147522 147526 147530 147535 147538 147546 147564
147575 147591 147697 147715 147719 147794 147807 147811 147815 147858 147868 147881 147893 147925
147926 147929 147933 147943 147956 148018 148047 148050 148055 148129 148134 148139 148144 148154
148155 148204 148215 148227 148229 148252 148275 148278 148286 148288 148314 148320 148327 148339
148382 148384 148385 148408 148422 148427 148428 148429 148432 148438 148443 148472 148475 148476
148477 148480 148495 148503 148580 148586 148587 148605 148619 148625 148628 148632 148635 148640
148646 148672 148673 148677 148680 148823 148824 148840 148850 148851 148852 148854 148855 148857
148908 148948 148954 148989 149011 149022 149023 149025 149028 149041 149129 149138 149139 149153
149157 149174 149179 149192 149274 149276 149278 149303 149310 149312 149314 149317 149335 149336
149340 149362 149368 149377 149380 149384 149385 149387 149404 149423 149430 149432 149438 149439
149442 149445 149448 149449 149463 149480 149502 149506 149507 149529 149535 149536 149559 149561
1495 65 149566 149570 149579 149605 149606 149618 149619 149627 149632 149659 149681 149683 149701
149712 149717 149737 149738 149739 149759 149760 149772 149781 149802 149831 149842 149855 149871
149909 149930 149936 149943 149979 149989 149995 149997 150003 150006 150018 150020 150023 150029
150031 150032 150041 150062 150072 150086 150089 150090 150093 150094 150096 150150 150159 150210
150236 150306 150308 150312 150326 150327 150329 150348 150354 150379 150387 150403 150407 150414
150427 150429 150431 150434 150437 150444 150452 150473 150481 150489 150500 150519 150524 150558
150587 150595 150625 150638 150653 150669 150672 150679 150699 150710 150731 150744 150746 150759
150763 150764 150780 150787 150800 150824 150838 150843 150848 150864 150878 150879 150887 150890
150901 150902 150903 150930 150952 150977 150983 151007 151008 151009 151016 151034 151040 151073
151085 151101 151131 151152 151157 151172 151221 151222 151229 151235 151239 151243 151254 151260
151264 151278 151279 151287 151288 151318 151331 151350 151355 151378 151390 151398 151419 151429
151431 151454 151456 151482 151495 151517 151533 151569 151578 151615 151621 151627 151641 151660
151683 151688 151721 151722 151751 151763 151767 151768 151781 151786 151797 151798 151801 151818
151832 151849 151864 151880 151888 151913 151927 151942 151960 151966 151985 151989 151992 152010
152016 152017 152025 152028 152044 152045 152051 152053 152060 152061 152068 152074 152090 152091
152094 152101 152105 152107 152130 152145 152148 152175 152186 152237 152376 152457 152497 152505
152510 152511 152514 152526 152603 152622 152669 152675 152703 152707 152710 152721 152722 152723
152750 152758 152764 152791 152804 152821 152823 152824 152839 152847 152852 152854 152859 152876
152917 152921 152931 152945 152947 152954 152958 152966 152968 152969 152977 153010 153020 153036
153037 153050 153107 153109 153129 153137 153149 153151 153155 153191 153194 153196 153205 153211
153217 153229 153232 153252 153260 153262 153289 153297 153308 153309 153310 153311 153324 153341
153342 153370 153389 153423 153426 153428 153440 153456 153458 153462 153476 153491 153537 153557
153605 153621 153630 153632 153646 153652 153666 153688 153693 153702 153703 153714 153796 153837
153862 153868 153875 153879 153882 153883 153939 153956 153965 153966 154000 154009 154010 154015
154016 154017 154019 154033 154067 154069 154071 154076 154087 154126 154157 154193 154227 154234
154235 154240 154264 154292 154297 154327 154328 154351 154353 154366 154402 154410 154417 154430
154439 154456 154459 154463 154465 154520 154525 154540 154562 154596 154603 154604 154624 154633
154665 154676 154689 154727 154740 154742 154743 154744 154745 154807 154809 154879 154882 154915
154916 154917 154921 154929 154932 154936 154939 154958 154959 154969 154970 154971 154977 154984
154992 154994 155009 155015 155061 155097 155101 155105 155114 155126 155127 155131 155140 155145
155146 155154 155157 155159 155168 155170 155188 155191 155200 155201 155210 155212 155214 155219
155226 155247 155280 155286 155298 155402 155403 155404 155422 155466 155525 155534 155535 155538
155543 155549 155563 155566 155569 155571 155574 155587 155591 155604 155605 155606 155614 155615
155616 155617 155624 155627 155628 155629 155633 155635 155649 155652 155661 155669 155687 155691
155708 155719 155740 155743 155749 155752 155760 155792 155798 155803 155930 155955 156002 156003
156012 156025 156031 156036 156044 156073 156102 156108 156109 156110 156116 156126 156127 156131
156133 156134 156137 156139 156147 156151 156162 156179 156199 156200 156280 156287 156304 156309
156327 156351 156368 156383 156414 156415 156455 156463 156495 156499 156503 156506 156508 156509
156511 156514 156516 156525 156526 156529 156535 156554 156580 156603 156640 156645 156662 156664
156666 156681 156684 156691 156705 156718 156730 156731 156734 156735 156746 156748 156749 156752
156756 156764 156769 156777 156782 156783 156786 156787 156789 156790 156792 156798 156866 156875
156876 156877 156878 156907 156908 156912 156940 156941 156943 156952 156968 156981 156982 156983
156995 156996 156998 157045 157053 157068 157086 157091 157097 157109 157114 157118 157120 157134
157156 157157 157189 157221 157222 157224 157227 157230 157232 157239 157241 157256 157258 157281
157284 157294 157299 157327 157335 157343 157349 157355 157377 157389 157404 157422 157426 157493
157500 157503 157530 157531 157557 157593 157604 157605 157606 157611 157618 157643 157662 157689
157713 157716 157717 157745 157770 157814 157825 157826 157852 157860 157870 157871 157877 157881
157890 157899 157905 157925 157933 157973 157975 157986 157988 157994 158000 158011 158012 158064
158079 158080 158149 158207 158211 158218 158232 158254 158255 158257 158269 158286 158290 158291
158311 158315 158319 158322 158328 158330 158331 158332 158333 158334 158335 158336 158337 158343
158347 158357 158362 158375 158376 158382 158384 158394 158395 158440 158444 158447 158460 158463
158474 158484 158501 158502 158503 158505 158512 158538 158551 158556 158557 158559 158571 158586
158588 158606 158653 158690 158703 158704 158705 158731 158732 158744 158762 158765 158767 158769
158792 158829 158838 158843 158854 158897 158907 158908 158910 158968 158980 159003 159004 159015
159023 159027 159034 159062 159077 159126 159128 159130 159137 159156 159181 159223 159257 159273
159311 159320 159361 159392 159399 159420 159460 159478 159492 159497 159499 159541 159585 159596
159597 159603 159635 159639 159652 159717 159718 159735 159736 159740 159754 159756 159778 159795
159817 159826 159840 159858 159869 159908 159909 159910 159915 159932 159944 159949 159956 159957
159965 159966 159969 159976 159985 159988 160007 160012 160018 160022 160029 160059 160061 160089
160106 160130 160139 160205 160215 160253 160289 160299 160309 160319 160320 160362 160411 160412
160419 160422 160442 160446 160448 160449 160453 160496 160517 160519 160548 160572 160575 160578
160664 160680 160692 160696 160704 160705 160715 160718 160722 160728 160745 160753 160772 160776
160779 160787 160856 160875 160905 160906 160907 160908 160909 160910 160987 161013 161042 161058
161062 161066 161076 161105 161106 161109 161137 161138 161140 161147 161155 161157 161163 161186
161196 161197 161198 161207 161212 161213 161232 161233 161248 161272 161286 161287 161289 161332
161340 161353 161355 161356 161357 161362 161370 161373 161376 161379 161390 161393 161394 161395
161399 161406 161409 161421 161455 161482 161545 161551 161577 161600 161608 161616 161631 161645
161646 161653 161658 161683 161689 161690 161711 161712 161744 161745 161764 161765 161766 161782
161808 161815 161829 161830 161873 161876 161879 161902 161903 161916 161934 161939 161947 161951
161963 161967 161988 161994 162003 162035 162038 162039 162054 162060 162061 162068 162070 162099
162132 162165 162175 162176 162216 162226 162260 162265 162269 162282 162288 162295 162298 162300
162301 162323 162324 162362 162365 162391 162413 162514 162532 162567 162583 162616 162618 162619
162623 162625 162639 162643 162664 162669 162682 162683 162704 162725 162736 162738 162765 162776
162777 162784 162788 162842 162892 162935 162944 162949 162970 162973 162977 162982 162985 162997
163016 163046 163065 163095 163101 163129 163131 163238 163267 163309 163321 163354 163355 163376
163403 163417 163421 163446 163483 163493 163501 163538 163541 163552 163553 163597 163599 163669
163722 163723 163740 163742 163743 163749 163762 163773 163778 163789 163798 163806 163819 163843
163899 163951 163956 163977 163980 163985 164009 164042 164078 164083 164086 164090 164141 164183
164185 164208 164217 164229 164241 164285 164312 164342 164374 164375 164378 164395 164464 164474
164475 164486 164488 164491 164516 164533 164545 164546 164548 164604 164634 164660 164664 164726
164868 164881 164898 164947 164954 164966 164978 164987 164994 165052 165054 165126 165131 165166
165196 165197 165223 165236 165243 165256 165257 165258 165264 165267 165270 165271 165281 165284
165291 165301 165306 165309 165310 165323 165325 165326 165336 165358 165369 165374 165379 165429
165501 165502 165507 165527 165529 165551 165578 165599 165647 165667 165685 165707 165733 165738
165741 165750 165754 165760 165786 165793 165804 165831 165849 165912 165936 165975 165999 166032
166037 166047 166075 166085 166133 166140 166173 166175 166198 166230 166233 166237 166250 166252
166260 166267 166284 166293 166305 166311 166312 166326 166327 166329 166396 166416 166417 166419
166432 166446 166451 166463 166481 166487 166489 166514 166515 166525 166526 166550 166574 1665 85
166619 166641 166645 166648 166663 166689 166710 166719 166725 166752 166756 166757 166759 166770
166791 166792 166819 166853 166854 166857 166863 166865 166871 166887 166900 166912 166914 166916
166924 166957 167020 167038 167091 167103 167104 167109 167127 167130 167136 167169 167208 167209
167212 167217 167219 167223 167313 167330 167337 167356 167376 167389 167433 167440 167441 167442
167445 167493 167510 167512 167517 167532 167533 167546 167585 167601 167694 167718 167724 167755
167758 167764 167819 167820 167832 167852 167873 167876 167901 167909 167914 167925 167926 167978
167992 168003 168027 168056 168063 168093 168115 168124 168125 168185 168194 168199 168235 168251
168254 168258 168299 168307 168313 168314 168343 168377 168436 168439 168445 168455 168456 168471
168493 168520 168525 168545 168546 168550 168552 168553 168556 168565 168591 168610 168616 168622
168632 168652 168699 168707 168764 168774 168809 168817 168818 168829 168875 168876 168886 168920
168948 168956 168957 168959 168971 169005 169006 169045 169063 169078 169089 169140 169154 169174
169190 169192 169198 169207 169210 169234 169236 169250 169259 169260 169303 169335 169359 169361
169377 169447 169456 169471 169526 169541 169550 169558 169560 169568 169619 169627 1696 29 169630
169636 169639 169691 169700 169763 169769 169780 169785 169802 169803 169826 169827 169833 169834
169843 169844 169855 169875 169934 169959 169961 169966 169971 169982 169991 169992 170056 170057
170075 170117 170190 170233 170253 170268 170286 170289 170296 170310 170337 170357 170370 170377
170380 170420 170422 170453 170493 170495 170587 170608 170639 170652 170661 170679 170703 170705
170706 170721 170726 170728 170766 170767 170788 170793 170795 170805 170815 170842 170845 170855
170878 170929 170961 170962 170984 170985 170989 170999 171048 171095 171118 171122 171124 171130
171135 171161 171190 171192 171213 171254 171262 171289 171294 171320 171327 171331 171338 171356
171381 171385 171409 171411 171446 171447 171455 171456 171460 171466 171572 171608 171609 171611
171612 171623 171638 171688 171708 171717 171729 171744 171769 171775 171777 171785 171787 171826
171889 171904 171905 171908 171916 171997 172002 172003 172004 172005 172045 172059 172074 172091
172095 172097 172099 172128 172146 172166 172187 172200 172204 172229 172230 172234 172236 172248
172281 172283 172298 172306 172336 172337 172424 172437 172458 172474 172487 172502 172503 172505
172506 172517 172519 172541 172543 172559 172568 172570 172574 172576 172600 1726 47 172652 172671
172684 172691 172708 172728 172730 172737 172741 172751 172760 172791 172792 172797 172806 172811
172825 172826 172827 172880 172881 172885 172955 172957 172967 172970 172984 172996 173039 173148
173238 173419 173446 173457 173473 173504 173508 173510 173519 173525 173537 173538 173554 173602
173612 173616 173622 173649 173738 173771 173780 173792 173834 173855 173883 173946 173951 173963
173964 173965 173966 173969 173970 173971 173974 173975 173976 173977 173997 173999 174000 174031
174072 174164 174181 174187 174190 174220 174230 174253 174271 174308 174313 174334 174414 174419
174430 174431 174432 174479 174495 174531 174554 174555 174558 174559 174560 174637 174643 174693
174724 174747 174748 174762 174769 174802 174810 174813 174814 174825 174842 174843 174845 174846
174847 174862 174864 174866 174887 174888 174991 174996 175012 175039 175104 175107 175115 175141
175143 175183 175201 175204 175205 175211 175223 175232 175281 175288 175290 175314 175346 175356
175371 175372 175374 175392 175397 175399 175468 175471 175472 175475 175499 175514 175537 175561
175573 175587 175622 175643 175652 175659 175660 175661 175662 175673 175676 175677 175696 175709
175712 175717 175727 175731 175744 175750 175757 175771 175773 175781 1757 98 175801 175856 175928
175963 175964 175988 175999 176034 176040 176041 176048 176053 176069 176085 176092 176105 176120
176122 176128 176132 176160 176173 176176 176192 176220 176242 176244 176284 176335 176342 176374
176384 176385 176403 176445 176454 176474 176479 176505 176517 176610 176616 176669 176688 176700
176701 176744 176775 176811 176823 176831 176845 176885 176924 176928 176963 176968 176975 176976
176980 176981 176983 176991 177001 177013 177030 177046 177068 177070 177073 177074 177078 177079
177088 177093 177108 177122 177161 177166 177177 177215 177219 177236 177280 177298 177321 177327
177368 177379 177381 177400 177406 177441 177469 177475 177476 177494 177515 177517 177520 177530
177539 177571 177572 177578 177586 177587 177598 177602 177641 177646 177655 177669 177690 177698
177745 177752 177758 177788 177795 177797 177839 177843 177851 177864 177868 177869 177870 177878
177890 177899 177907 177924 177928 177929 177938 177939 177951 177954 177955 177957 177970 177972
177973 177979 177985 177988 178010 178044 178048 178078 178082 178091 178106 178107 178108 178109
178136 178142 178147 178165 178177 178231 178245 178273 178290 178301 178310 178314 178318 178322
178323 178324 178327 178329 178337 178341 178342 178347 178355 1783 61 178379 178380 178381 178392
178413 178458 178465 178469 178471 178492 178495 178503 178513 178515 178525 178543 178556 178564
178583 178594 178602 178619 178628 178633 178636 178666 178672 178673 178721 178778 178780 178781
178783 178789 178825 178826 178875 178889 178901 178903 178908 178915 178923 178939 178949 178964
178969 178994 179035 179097 179135 179147 179158 179168 179176 179182 179216 179223 179247 179248
179283 179311 179316 179319 179327 179350 179354 179361 179380 179390 179395 179404 179418 179464
179501 179505 179522 179526 179554 179557 179576 179577 179578 179587 179590 179591 179599 179628
179630 179639 179640 179651 179652 179653 179657 179663 179666 179708 179738 179776 179777 179826
179829 179833 179879 179910 179918 179940 179955 179958 179963 179981 179999 180015 180091 180145
180157 180165 180218 180221 180222 180228 180243 180259 180263 180264 180278 180319 180323 180325
180353 180380 180384 180424 180428 180506 180512 180515 180517 180524 180533 180562 180578 180586
180595 180621 180643 180661 180662 180670 180688 180703 180709 180716 180738 180748 180752 180758
180760 180767 180863 180874 180931 180949 180971 180976 181066 181092 181098 181139 181155 181159
181175 181180 181191 181196 181225 181233 181260 181279 1812 94 181295 181299 181352 181365 181398
181404 181422 181459 181460 181468 181495 181516 181538 181558 181576 181578 181584 181630 181631
181635 181659 181700 181702 181703 181715 181739 181758 181782 181795 181803 181809 181834 181838
181852 181866 181876 181894 181907 181918 181934 181940 181946 181951 181954 181956 181957 181959
181962 181964 181996 182006 182011 182025 182031 182034 182038 182064 182065 182070 182094 182096
182130 182175 182185 182210 182219 182223 182224 182225 182235 182242 182250 182251 182288 182303
182320 182332 182333 182347 182348 182356 182365 182372 182416 182480 182497 182527 182539 182551
182552 182553 182572 182578 182595 182598 182599 182622 182629 182656 182699 182705 182707 182721
182742 182755 182756 182758 182784 182810 182841 182893 182896 182914 182920 182922 182930 182931
182939 182956 182965 182972 182973 182998 183012 183013 183029 183041 183048 183052 183085 183090
183113 183127 183189 183200 183214 183233 183234 183237 183287 183295 183296 183319 183325 183334
183389 183403 183405 183446 183447 183469 183476 183482 183501 183505 183506 183510 183511 183519
183527 183530 183543 183544 183561 183574 183608 183622 183629 183640 183646 183654 183690 183720
183743 183765 183793 183794 183820 183834 183848 1838 59 183869 183873 183878 183887 183891 183897
183907 183908 183914 183915 183916 183924 183951 183952 183971 183975 183977 183998 184040 184067
184092 184137 184153 184161 184166 184182 184191 184213 184287 184289 184315 184316 184325 184343
184367 184372 184373 184379 184384 184385 184387 184397 184408 184419 184439 184491 184504 184512
184527 184536 184542 184572 184621 184626 184682 184687 184700 184708 184724 184725 184736 184746
184747 184753 184765 184770 184773 184775 184786 184787 184789 184792 184804 184841 184851 184866
184867 184868 184869 184874 184885 184900 184901 184937 184963 185021 185034 185050 185075 185123
185138 185170 185201 185205 185237 185260 185267 185268 185270 185276 185277 185317 185318 185353
185361 185390 185413 185418 185420 185421 185438 185442 185451 185463 185466 185474 185477 185518
185575 185576 185577 185578 185588 185598 185600 185610 185616 185625 185628 185632 185641 185667
185688 185692 185700 185739 185752 185754 185764 185765 185778 185789 185793 185796 185800 185810
185813 185855 185864 185872 185884 185886 185907 185912 185917 185943 185949 185972 185995 185998
186001 186002 186003 186004 186006 186007 186009 186011 186015 186017 186018 186021 186023 186024
186030 186035 186041 186071 186106 186107 1861 43 186148 186157 186165 186169 186174 186177 186200
186273 186274 186280 186281 186310 186314 186353 186407 186410 186418 186454 186457 186471 186505
186509 186523 186528 186547 186553 186554 186567 186577 186579 186586 186648 186682 186767 186769
186771 186788 186803 186867 186872 186905 186906 186908 186921 186922 186923 186934 186938 186941
186950 186955 186968 186976 186977 186979 186993 187013 187014 187051 187096 187114 187168 187172
187173 187232 187239 187267 187283 187288 187307 187308 187345 187382 187395 187397 187411 187437
187439 187446 187466 187476 187485 187491 187525 187542 187593 187609 187627 187631 187694 187806
187812 187813 187838 187842 187855 187865 187871 187875 187883 187897 187937 187960 187965 187995
188009 188010 188014 188042 188051 188052 188054 188066 188085 188086 188151 188152 188210 188230
188234 188248 188266 188272 188275 188284 188290 188292 188336 188374 188394 188426 188434 188442
188461 188472 188491 188528 188542 188576 188625 188626 188635 188637 188643 188666 188673 188680
188691 188692 188747 188763 188783 188787 188817 188823 188825 188826 188847 188860 188870 188887
188903 188905 188909 188922 188935 188947 188953 188973 188974 188984 188988 189022 189077 189078
189079 189081 189098 189110 189112 1891 27 189135 189136 189175 189213 189229 189246 189254 189265
189271 189272 189273 189279 189280 189288 189292 189300 189316 189334 189408 189501 189502 189518
189524 189530 189546 189550 189554 189574 189609 189615 189644 189653 189679 189680 189684 189711
189712 189716 189742 189748 189750 189751 189762 189769 189771 189777 189792 189793 189801 189825
189883 189893 189904 189922 189930 189931 189934 189937 189955 189976 189991 190002 190052 190054
190055 190056 190084 190102 190115 190164 190167 190170 190190 190213 190220 190226 190233 190263
190270 190293 190297 190306 190352 190354 190359 190367 190388 190389 190390 190429 190464 190516
190534 190536 190545 190553 190554 190560 190569 190580 190586 190625 190627 190631 190637 190658
190665 190706 190718 190751 190756 190757 190761 190767 190770 190773 190791 190806 190807 190878
190885 190899 190905 190927 190936 190954 190997 191010 191042 191085 191095 191124 191128 191143
191179 191216 191222 191264 191288 191315 191372 191408 191493 191604 191648 191688 191692 191714
191736 191760 191774 191803 191815 191882 191884 191894 191896 191918 191941 191942 191956 191980
192010 192027 192035 192039 192052 192055 192069 192080 192089 192096 192099 192113 192129 192131
192150 192160 192172 192195 1922 06 192208 192217 192218 192219 192228 192237 192249 192252 192253
192290 192302 192305 192338 192344 192345 192346 192368 192377 192389 192400 192403 192407 192414
192415 192421 192422 192434 192483 192533 192547 192548 192585 192610 192612 192618 192634 192641
192642 192658 192689 192728 192753 192761 192777 192800 192812 192817 192820 192831 192835 192856
192877 192901 192909 192910 192917 192924 192932 192944 192952 192960 193021 193041 193051 193096
193101 193132 193235 193288 193290 193313 193337 193339 193342 193344 193359 193372 193375 193406
193411 193415 193463 193488 193496 193504 193513 193519 193539 193545 193547 193554 193566 193569
193613 193618 193622 193626 193630 193660 193681 193711 193719 193785 193809 193815 193818 193835
193841 193856 193881 193888 193909 193910 193920 193927 193940 194000 194045 194062 194070 194115
194136 194141 194146 194166 194170 194175 194194 194196 194214 194253 194294 194308 194331 194379
194388 194415 194422 194453 194462 194478 194479 194524 194552 194606 194611 194620 194634 194636
194641 194653 194654 194658 194667 194675 194680 194684 194685 194687 194738 194758 194791 194798
194822 194885 194946 195038 195051 195054 195065 195067 195088 195091 195099 195115 195116 195128
195139 195146 195158 1951 66 195211 195226 195248 195258 195274 195286 195291 195299 195308 195323
195333 195345 195349 195371 195372 195384 195385 195400 195411 195428 195452 195483 195570 195601
195609 195625 195638 195651 195653 195663 195688 195698 195716 195738 195764 195818 195832 195857
195872 195965 196096 196121 196137 196221 196249 196281 196321 196331 196340 196351 196393 196487
196517 196528 196562 196569 196624 196628 196635 196637 196640 196685 196711 196724 196731 196737
196764 196771 196778 196782 196783 196784 196814 196818 196821 196847 196861 196862 196869 196871
196877 196887 196893 196897 196924 197032 197048 197051 197074 197103 197105 197114 197130 197135
197145 197150 197153 197168 197179 197211 197230 197236 197254 197260 197266 197276 197288 197295
197343 197349 197355 197365 197369 197371 197377 197388 197389 197396 197420 197451 197457 197473
197501 197506 197517 197585 197588 197599 197609 197617 197621 197623 197625 197638 197649 197678
197682 197684 197690 197698 197699 197721 197723 197733 197741 197748 197756 197777 197820 197829
197853 197855 197859 197862 197871 197890 197896 197936 198001 198010 198011 198012 198019 198047
198054 198058 198066 198075 198077 198083 198084 198086 198099 198151 198154 198157 198170 198175
198188 198189 1982 13 198239 198246 198252 198282 198283 198357 198401 198440 198502 198505 198518
198547 198549 198582 198586 198592 198651 198671 198689 198697 198706 198736 198751 198754 198759
198809 198811 198850 198871 198876 198915 198916 198917 198938 198940 198957 199008 199019 199027
199029 199031 199036 199058 199062 199082 199083 199087 199089 199093 199097 199113 199115 199119
199121 199123 199135 199152 199153 199154 199155 199156 199159 199160 199168 199175 199176 199187
199199 199218 199246 199247 199270 199272 199276 199290 199294 199324 199334 199335 199339 199347
199350 199358 199368 199371 199374 199375 199380 199397 199398 199412 199415 199438 199446 199456
199490 199502 199504 199505 199506 199516 199537 199559 199570 199579 199590 199598 199618 199622
199694 199742 199804 199825 199826 199827 199835 199843 199853 199860 199890 199891 199899 199901
199909 199911 199916 199917 199954 199957 199981 200010 200044 200049 200058 200063 200064 200074
200094 200095 200096 200099 200111 200128 200134 200147 200149 200150 200151 200152 200160 200169
200171 200176 200219 200247 200248 200249 200271 200291 200311 200361 200389 200395 200417 200420
200424 200448 200457 200461 200492 200503 200504 200511 200515 200529 200575 200601 200613 200633
200644 2006 45 200655 200656 200674 200684 200709 200807 200810 200814 200815 200822 200834 200838
200862 200881 200889 200931 200994 201016 201019 201021 201023 201089 201102 201134 201152 201154
201164 201187 201202 201250 201271 201310 201312 201318 201336 201348 201358 201376 201389 201394
201398 201402 201405 201433 201477 201478 201494 201495 201499 201513 201539 201542 201557 201564
201596 201599 201608 201611 201639 201643 201644 201659 201665 201687 201697 201702 201713 201736
201748 201767 201768 201787 201811 201815 201816 201833 201834 201835 201870 201871 201886 201901
201907 201910 201912 201922 201923 201930 201937 201940 201942 201945 201946 201947 201949 201951
201967 201974 201977 201983 201985 202036 202041 202044 202077 202093 202100 202111 202142 202146
202171 202185 202265 202283 202309 202313 202332 202359 202375 202394 202401 202404 202414 202417
202437 202439 202440 202441 202444 202448 202450 202457 202464 202496 202502 202545 202560 202592
202597 202619 202621 202634 202652 202653 202675 202685 202696 202701 202710 202723 202731 202732
202738 202741 202755 202758 202760 202769 202783 202785 202799 202809 202921 202926 202941 202947
202960 202961 202970 202978 202980 202983 202986 202994 202996 203011 203012 203013 203016 203017
2030 27 203048 203079 203119 203122 203127 203129 203143 203154 203189 203218 203229 203262 203274
203277 203292 203296 203406 203407 203424 203430 203441 203443 203463 203470 203472 203482 203489
203524 203548 203563 203603 203604 203607 203608 203611 203648 203665 203668 203687 203688 203689
203712 203724 203745 203749 203770 203776 203786 203816 203826 203833 203834 203835 203850 203866
203883 203887 203889 203890 203934 203977 203979 203995 204005 204034 204038 204039 204040 204047
204055 204060 204067 204089 204098 204099 204119 204121 204125 204139 204150 204159 204160 204162
204165 204171 204184 204232 204295 204317 204329 204331 204340 204349 204405 204415 204416 204433
204434 204441 204457 204489 204498 204523 204542 204551 204562 204566 204611 204619 204640 204646
204670 204694 204699 204711 204774 204781 204788 204789 204842 204850 204859 204899 204900 204904
204905 204918 204936 204960 204965 204976 205015 205027 205044 205066 205071 205073 205074 205077
205096 205109 205127 205137 205149 205187 205251 205254 205259 205268 205271 205281 205282 205301
205305 205319 205347 205352 205369 205381 205393 205415 205431 205434 205438 205443 205444 205446
205451 205456 205462 205463 205469 205474 205482 205487 205492 205493 205494 205496 205505 205509
205510 205527 205531 205532 205536 205540 205541 205542 205544 205551 205553 205557 205561 205563
205568 205579 205584 205585 205591 205592 205593 205595 205606 205607 205617 205618 205634 205637
205639 205651 205653 205659 205693 205696 205705 205706 205708 205712 205714 205740 205759 205773
205779 205822 205828 205831 205834 205839 205853 205861 205872 205873 205880 205896 205902 205903
205904 205916 205922 205923 205965 205977 205979 205987 206001 206041 206057 206068 206086 206087
206090 206100 206103 206141 206147 206211 206213 206219 206221 206222 206224 206229 206230 206234
206235 206240 206252 206253 206257 206267 206294 206300 206309 206329 206334 206358 206363 206367
206449 206467 206469 206483 206491 206513 206548 206550 206567 206583 206629 206630 206657 206705
206717 206721 206727 206742 206788 206789 206790 206795 206801 206807 206810 206813 206829 206841
206845 206861 206863 206889 206892 206943 206947 206951 206998 207032 207046 207057 207084 207190
207202 207219 207249 207276 207325 207326 207332 207351 207354 207374 207375 207376 207391 207394
207432 207433 207434 207435 207439 207440 207446 207447 207450 207472 207495 207496 207502 207504
207523 207525 207526 207528 207530 207533 207535 207536 207537 207556 207559 207560 207563 207584
207585 207588 207591 207805 207824 207829 207834 207873 207880 207882 207888 207938 207940 207960
207982 208016 208023 208036 208065 208081 208104 208107 208109 208164 208166 208174 208235 208236
208252 208262 208266 208292 208296 208334 208358 208370 208372 208376 208385 208387 208388 208395
208437 208438 208480 208518 208525 208545 208576 208577 208583 208618 208627 208631 208634 208635
208638 208645 208661 208670 208731 208852 208856 208881 208883 208887 208909 208910 208941 208951
208974 208983 208986 208988 209039 209112 209163 209181 209185 209187 209189 209190 209222 209226
209232 209260 209268 209301 209305 209317 209392 209394 209423 209438 209481 209516 209517 209518
209571 209602 209624 209661 209710 209714 209743 209779 209780 209781 209783 209797 209841 209882
209902 209903 209905 209906 209910 209911 209913 209920 209944 209961 209965 209975 209978 209989
209992 210019 210025 210046 210069 210138 210167 210194 210207 210208 210233 210236 210238 210239
210265 210271 210272 210274 210278 210304 210306 210310 210354 210385 210394 210397 210409 210429
210466 210474 210480 210484 210488 210489 210492 210508 210509 210549 210608 210609 210618 210620
210634 210640 210688 210764 210774 210790 210835 210840 210844 210846 210861 210870 210886 210900
210907 210909 210917 210919 210922 210955 210965 210966 210968 210974 210999 211000 211027 211030
211038 211048 211092 211124 211147 211197 211275 211309 211321 211326 211356 211367 211385 211397
211404 211424 211425 211429 211446 211452 211456 211461 211465 211494 211519 211528 211540 211549
211559 211578 211579 211582 211598 211605 211607 211613 211614 211617 211630 211636 211638 211639
211645 211646 211647 211661 211670 211671 211697 211699 211717 211737 211769 211775 211776 211813
211819 211820 211843 211853 211866 211868 211876 211882 211883 211884 211885 211887 211893 211927
211938 211942 211947 211970 211976 211998 212001 212016 212018 212024 212047 212048 212079 212088
212091 212092 212118 212130 212136 212137 212139 212176 212191 212194 212195 212225 212262 212276
212293 212303 212318 212325 212331 212337 212401 212408 212454 212467 212471 212477 212478 212485
212495 212515 212531 212534 212539 212563 212570 212594 212651 212693 212697 212748 212815 212819
212830 212896 212947 212948 212956 212977 212993 212996 213058 213062 213092 213107 213123 213192
213196 213199 213329 213333 213340 213347 213349 213353 213358 213359 213362 213363 213368 213369
213373 213378 213379 213382 213403 213428 213440 213444 213477 213479 213486 213488 213507 213515
213516 213517 213519 213537 213572 213606 213615 213623 213632 213668 213669 213690 213691 213722
213724 213760 213762 213792 213827 213876 213896 213906 213909 213915 213927 213937 213947 213952
213958 213967 213970 213973 213985 213990 213994 214012 214029 214033 214040 214048 214049 214053
214054 214056 214061 214062 214079 214083 214097 214101 214126 214201 214234 214238 214250 214304
214312 214327 214338 214362 214378 214384 214481 214514 214516 214520 214568 214569 214578 214588
214603 214607 214610 214646 214660 214687 214746 214785 214787 214812 214813 214814 214846 214894
214906 214936 214980 214994 215022 215023 215033 215078 215081 215100 215121 215134 215223 215225
215227 215241 215244 215254 215255 215256 215257 215289 215293 215316 215326 215331 215333 215338
215346 215376 215379 215380 215387 215398 215402 215403 215405 215406 215411 215415 215418 215423
215424 215429 215433 215452 215457 215461 215467 215471 215483 215498 215521 215532 215556 215557
215567 215578 215580 215598 215608 215642 215643 215646 215664 215666 215668 215711 215731 215746
215787 215788 215819 215851 215877 215933 215935 215979 215991 215992 216001 216005 216006 216013
216015 216018 216027 216029 216031 216032 216057 216059 216069 216097 216098 216099 216103 216108
216109 216122 216162 216163 216235 216260 216294 216335 216336 216366 216390 216391 216399 216407
216409 216410 216438 216439 216449 216456 216458 216506 216583 216587 216591 216607 216610 216614
216629 216666 216695 216724 216746 216754 216761 216768 216774 216820 216821 216852 216853 216875
216917 216926 216927 216943 217015 217016 217017 217019 217030 217033 217044 217083 217091 217099
217139 217164 217174 217178 217203 217240 217247 217249 217265 217266 217273 217277 217287 217303
217333 217334 217345 217367 217421 217442 217449 217450 217452 217456 217460 217461 217463 217469
217481 217485 217500 217503 217542 217543 217546 217550 217590 217613 217626 217733 217746 217751
217757 217758 217759 217779 217797 217864 217948 217951 217952 217953 217955 217959 217962 218034
218035 218042 218054 218060 218061 218063 218064 218068 218070 218078 218125 218131 218176 218193
218199 218220 218329 218399 218428 218439 218450 218457 218464 218469 218477 218487 218488 218500
218539 218545 218555 218556 218564 218565 218569 218632 218684 218696 218716 218744 218762 218771
218777 218779 218807 218824 218850 218863 218866 218867 218868 218876 218879 218880 218882 218885
218889 218892 218896 218905 218909 218920 218931 218940 218950 218951 218954 218973 218974 218976
218979 218980 218984 218989 218994 219006 219010 219016 219022 219023 219032 219033 219034 219060
219062 219063 219078 219084 219088 219103 219105 219109 219111 219114 219118 219119 219152 219158
219205 219235 219272 219283 219301 219316 219332 219336 219381 219382 219383 219394 219474 219523
219530 219536 219558 219559 219576 219587 219597 219607 219610 219674 219680 219684 219690 219691
219692 219696 219704 219718 219724 219733 219742 219747 219749 219754 219772 219805 219813 219830
219836 219848 219873 219878 219905 219912 219928 219930 219936 219937 219966 220060 220087 220101
220111 220121 220123 220124 220139 220145 220148 220159 220165 220167 220168 220184 220188 220189
220190 220191 220195 220203 220204 220209 220242 220247 220281 220301 220302 220303 220328 220362
220376 220447 220537 220538 220539 220540 220553 220558 220583 220614 220616 220632 220633 220637
220638 220640 220668 220714 220746 220756 220856 220927 220996 220998 221020 221028 221044 2210 83
221091 221093 221100 221102 221133 221194 221202 221233 221237 221252 221263 221265 221276 221282
221289 221291 221293 221294 221297 221311 221312 221313 221322 221327 221329 221332 221337 221340
221357 221368 221373 221382 221388 221392 221408 221410 221426 221431 221435 221440 221448 221450
221451 221452 221464 221465 221484 221489 221529 221554 221558 221565 221570 221571 221587 221594
221600 221632 221676 221682 221700 221707 221713 221770 221788 221828 221843 221848 221852 221853
221865 221866 221868 221879 221882 221898 221899 221903 221915 221949 221950 221970 222001 222039
222040 222042 222105 222112 222116 222133 222160 222166 222167 222177 222202 222235 222241 222265
222269 222275 222279 222290 222291 222369 222393 222407 222456 222474 222475 222477 222482 222486
222491 222514 222568 222571 222584 222585 222607 222616 222635 222641 222646 222648 222652 222663
222713 222737 222794 222805 222811 222817 222827 222831 222844 222858 222864 222865 222868 222879
222881 222883 222906 222907 222908 222909 222916 222920 222926 222930 222935 222936 222948 222953
222981 222983 223001 223009 223014 223047 223062 223077 223084 223098 223119 223154 223157 223207
223217 223218 223226 223260 223301 223332 223342 223346 223358 223367 223379 223382 2233 87 223447
223490 223537 223601 223618 223623 223624 223643 223646 223721 223743 223756 223758 223803 223806
223820 223822 223831 223857 223874 223883 223898 223904 223909 223931 223956 223968 223979 223993
223997 224046 224049 224054 224056 224071 224094 224109 224112 224114 224116 224118 224139 224145
224154 224155 224160 224165 224173 224181 224317 224321 224373 224396 224407 224412 224482 224500
224516 224525 224533 224557 224559 224561 224570 224573 224574 224577 224579 224589 224619 224636
224677 224683 224695 224697 224698 224708 224733 224735 224790 224803 224820 224844 224854 224867
224868 224906 224923 224930 224933 224960 224964 224984 225046 225048 225090 225098 225102 225158
225196 225199 225260 225303 225323 225346 225385 225409 225410 225418 225466 225477 225491 225499
225506 225508 225517 225523 225530 225538 225539 225541 225548 225553 225558 225576 225585 225621
225638 225641 225657 225671 225674 225675 225805 225870 225872 225877 225878 225885 225886 225887
225889 225890 225891 225907 225910 225921 225930 225977 225984 225992 226034 226046 226090 226119
226182 226188 226202 226208 226269 226343 226377 226389 226392 226396 226414 226440 226457 226465
226488 226522 226524 226525 226526 226532 226547 226556 226568 226581 226583 2266 22 226629 226708
226713 226728 226734 226742 226803 226805 226818 226828 226833 226835 226837 226857 226889 226898
226913 226925 226965 226974 226993 227018 227040 227043 227047 227062 227063 227138 227165 227186
227190 227238 227257 227270 227307 227311 227312 227318 227319 227324 227330 227337 227358 227359
227367 227401 227413 227420 227422 227426 227430 227434 227435 227438 227439 227447 227482 227497
227511 227545 227560 227572 227581 227623 227636 227643 227644 227661 227669 227677 227681 227683
227696 227697 227714 227715 227717 227741 227748 227761 227768 227793 227807 227809 227812 227814
227821 227826 227853 227854 227859 227865 227866 227867 227869 227870 227883 227889 227901 227902
227916 227922 227924 227925 227931 227936 227940 227957 227970 227975 227982 227988 228021 228037
228062 228068 228076 228107 228110 228112 228135 228156 228165 228170 228201 228221 228236 228251
228286 228303 228354 228378 228397 228399 228400 228431 228496 228512 228513 228585 228591 228675
228700 228706 228724 228727 228728 228737 228746 228756 228762 228773 228795 228799 228805 228829
228840 228842 228854 228859 228872 228882 228895 228902 228921 228925 228949 228953 228964 228966
228975 228987 229010 229029 229061 229066 229067 229068 229087 229097 2290 99 229106 229110 229113
229120 229133 229145 229148 229151 229155 229165 229188 229191 229197 229205 229227 229246 229247
229256 229268 229289 229294 229309 229328 229366 229370 229389 229395 229449 229452 229481 229482
229527 229533 229556 229577 229598 229600 229640 229649 229664 229666 229676 229693 229714 229736
229748 229752 229756 229784 229793 229800 229809 229817 229824 229837 229855 229864 229867 229909
229927 229985 229987 229989 229990 229993 230005 230006 230007 230013 230022 230023 230024 230027
230028 230031 230032 230039 230047 230052 230053 230068 230075 230086 230123 230144 230147 230155
230159 230162 230163 230166 230189 230194 230195 230207 230241 230269 230270 230280 230291 230294
230309 230317 230341 230345 230361 230367 230384 230390 230400 230415 230429 230442 230448 230463
230479 230484 230490 230491 230497 230502 230504 230520 230565 230571 230611 230631 230636 230641
230648 230663 230673 230680 230689 230693 230696 230698 230737 230740 230744 230779 230843 230844
230846 230864 230868 230869 230880 230897 230928 230932 230966 230975 231008 231012 231023 231082
231115 231125 231130 231135 231139 231140 231151 231153 231159 231166 231171 231179 231189 231192
231200 231249 231268 231269 231278 231301 231332 231333 231357 2313 59 231360 231361 231362 231385
231386 231389 231414 231464 231465 231473 231474 231485 231511 231519 231527 231528 231540 231545
231571 231576 231577 231581 231585 231593 231594 231595 231602 231616 231634 231636 231637 231638
231648 231651 231652 231654 231673 231699 231710 231721 231727 231740 231742 231754 231768 231789
231797 231805 231828 231831 231842 231843 231844 231851 231881 231882 231883 231885 231892 231893
231916 231918 231924 231930 231954 232004 232013 232020 232021 232025 232032 232039 232047 232113
232139 232158 232175 232226 232273 232275 232278 232288 232289 232291 232292 232304 232313 232323
232324 232347 232348 232377 232388 232396 232398 232422 232423 232435 232563 232576 232588 232592
232605 232607 232610 232624 232640 232644 232655 232663 232665 232667 232669 232685 232719 232732
232769 232806 232840 232848 232885 232892 232904 232905 232912 232913 232915 232928 232937 232942
232951 232952 232968 232969 232977 232984 233000 233001 233019 233020 233058 233065 233068 233071
233083 233086 233087 233089 233107 233112 233129 233130 233166 233171 233183 233192 233194 233197
233221 233223 233224 233228 233229 233239 233259 233264 233288 233308 233326 233338 233342 233353
233360 233378 233417 233421 233427 233480 233481 233505 2335 06 233507 233526 233531 233535 233550
233551 233553 233557 233559 233567 233588 233603 233609 233610 233613 233615 233617 233640 233659
233660 233674 233701 233718 233719 233736 233737 233741 233746 233748 233749 233756 233761 233764
233769 233776 233789 233797 233801 233815 233825 233826 233842 233843 233862 233891 233897 233903
233904 233906 233910 233913 233925 233944 233952 233959 233963 233969 233979 233983 233993 233995
234069 234120 234122 234142 234143 234187 234189 234209 234255 234257 234262 234265 234266 234269
234270 234273 234276 234282 234283 234287 234291 234295 234325 234334 234351 234353 234360 234362
234363 234367 234386 234391 234393 234398 234408 234420 234477 234512 234593 234622 234624 234628
234629 234643 234658 234661 234662 234680 234691 234723 234745 234746 234753 234768 234770 234771
234779 234802 234810 234880 234881 234888 234892 234965 234968 235011 235012 235014 235034 235046
235051 235100 235104 235109 235220 235221 235223 235246 235260 235268 235278 235297 235298 235386
235438 235441 235458 235459 235484 235489 235495 235497 235526 235528 235533 235535 235536 235538
235541 235542 235577 235578 235596 235602 235605 235616 235652 235659 235662 235666 235743 235751
235776 235784 235825 235834 235844 235847 235865 2358 68 235874 235882 235889 235899 235945 235957
235959 235962 235983 235988 236021 236036 236078 236098 236119 236123 236125 236129 236138 236147
236148 236177 236191 236209 236239 236249 236251 236278 236286 236292 236293 236302 236310 236311
236312 236313 236328 236333 236355 236357 236358 236363 236371 236372 236373 236376 236399 236401
236402 236403 236410 236414 236417 236430 236431 236442 236445 236446 236448 236457 236470 236477
236481 236485 236490 236492 236498 236499 236500 236511 236518 236519 236525 236549 236550 236551
236573 236578 236580 236586 236589 236591 236599 236605 236609 236612 236641 236650 236651 236670
236682 236693 236696 236730 236735 236738 236739 236761 236776 236798 236818 236826 236845 236847
236851 236853 236874 236892 236893 236896 236921 236958 236960 236981 236988 236994 237002 237006
237026 237084 237091 237113 237125 237160 237193 237203 237245 237262 237301 237312 237313 237314
237334 237344 237358 237405 237407 237451 237479 237480 237499 237501 237507 237526 237550 237551
237554 237564 237569 237572 237576 237580 237597 237599 237610 237615 237624 237641 237649 237681
237694 237706 237710 237728 237748 237756 237777 237785 237791 237844 237849 237852 237910 237932
237935 237950 237959 238012 238150 238189 2381 98 238265 238275 238296 238300 238306 238315 238357
238377 238408 238415 238433 238454 238462 238469 238597 238616 238647 238687 238705 238714 238718
238798 238833 238834 238973 239018 239165 239182 239185 239186 239208 239242 239381 239444 239455
239460 239483 239486 239498 239589 239612 239621 239637 239657 239690 239756 239770 239772 239774
239783 239784 239785 239786 239787 239802 239807 239808 239810 239819 239820 239828 239837 239840
239841 239851 239871 239880 239881 239884 239886 239900 239902 239917 239925 240006 240013 240019
240036 240041 240059 240087 240112 240116 240121 240193 240211 240212 240240 240253 240293 240306
240310 240311 240313 240318 240322 240327 240328 240329 240336 240357 240363 240372 240375 240387
240411 240415 240420 240422 240439 240452 240460 240464 240467 240468 240469 240476 240480 240493
240503 240506 240531 240534 240543 240573 240601 240609 240621 240658 240664 240690 240737 240780
240790 240813 240837 240849 240864 240868 240874 240925 240927 240930 240955 240958 240959 240979
240980 240981 240982 241058 241074 241090 241093 241119 241130 241142 241153 241169 241182 241200
241202 241218 241219 241230 241235 241239 241240 241254 241263 241273 241278 241284 241290 241316
241318 241329 241337 241369 241441 2414 52 241480 241496 241541 241546 241549 241550 241566 241574
241583 241612 241626 241659 241695 241749 241769 241808 241821 241840 241841 241849 241884 241885
241897 241912 241918 241959 241984 242002 242013 242014 242015 242025 242032 242038 242043 242045
242047 242053 242054 242056 242071 242080 242085 242086 242090 242141 242184 242186 242199 242214
242221 242248 242262 242271 242277 242297 242308 242323 242327 242362 242397 242413 242488 242506
242511 242513 242525 242528 242534 242542 242561 242575 242585 242599 242605 242606 242612 242614
242622 242637 242638 242650 242651 242665 242675 242696 242704 242790 242796 242805 242806 242814
242830 242831 242832 242833 242834 242836 242837 242838 242855 242856 242872 242888 242894 242903
242914 242921 242940 242970 242972 242998 243010 243013 243090 243095 243154 243166 243194 243195
243215 243239 243244 243261 243271 243291 243309 243326 243337 243339 243340 243379 243389 243500
243502 243504 243529 243535 243538 243543 243544 243554 243562 243571 243591 243618 243636 243684
243692 243695 243697 243703 243707 243708 243712 243747 243761 243771 243797 243805 243825 243834
243837 243841 243855 243862 243863 243877 243885 243886 243891 243892 243898 243918 243938 243945
243947 243948 243971 244002 2440 16 244020 244029 244032 244036 244048 244049 244054 244059 244060
244074 244081 244082 244083 244098 244099 244113 244147 244157 244160 244163 244186 244211 244218
244242 244247 244250 244256 244260 244307 244343 244365 244379 244383 244415 244418 244427 244465
244480 244485 244507 244508 244513 244520 244538 244555 244557 244562 244592 244628 244647 244648
244662 244668 244671 244704 244711 244752 244758 244767 244768 244782 244785 244790 244791 244793
244795 244797 244850 244899 244917 244980 245002 245036 245074 245122 245148 245149 245150 245171
245201 245204 245208 245218 245221 245230 245253 245293 245301 245320 245370 245407 245423 245424
245425 245462 245466 245470 245483 245496 245513 245517 245536 245569 245575 245577 245581 245587
245605 245626 245653 245658 245703 245736 245748 245780 245782 245783 245789 245792 245810 245811
245821 245828 245843 245851 245852 245853 245863 245885 245916 245985 245996 246006 246007 246010
246011 246014 246023 246026 246031 246042 246044 246047 246056 246065 246078 246081 246097 246098
246106 246116 246172 246183 246203 246208 246217 246218 246222 246233 246256 246264 246274 246284
246297 246346 246351 246357 246382 246383 246438 246516 246522 246549 246564 246598 246602 246603
246609 246634 246659 2466 68 246677 246678 246691 246693 246714 246720 246731 246776 246779 246786
246791 246802 246804 246805 246806 246809 246833 246843 246849 246850 246852 246858 246880 246910
246924 246934 246938 246948 246955 246972 246974 246989 246998 247022 247037 247065 247074 247137
247138 247147 247159 247166 247183 247190 247205 247215 247268 247277 247297 247303 247314 247315
247318 247345 247346 247353 247370 247387 247403 247409 247412 247413 247417 247423 247424 247425
247448 247451 247453 247469 247493 247509 247546 247564 247595 247619 247620 247633 247649 247662
247668 247684 247690 247691 247739 247744 247747 247749 247779 247781 247788 247815 247828 247831
247832 247834 247848 247857 247860 247910 247918 247937 247952 247958 247969 247989 248019 248036
248051 248052 248069 248088 248093 248099 248101 248120 248125 248156 248204 248205 248217 248258
248271 248303 248306 248329 248330 248340 248386 248399 248419 248420 248423 248439 248440 248442
248456 248470 248491 248526 248552 248565 248568 248583 248600 248654 248738 248791 248842 248858
248914 248989 249016 249057 249149 249150 249171 249179 249188 249195 249205 249232 249241 249251
249252 249283 249294 249295 249297 249300 249321 249323 249324 249336 249363 249369 249372 249399
249405 249421 2494 42 249472 249485 249495 249507 249519 249533 249557 249655 249656 249748 249749
249754 249755 249759 249771 249785 249786 249800 249804 249831 249832 249848 249865 249933 249948
249956 249961 249976 250010 250022 250025 250038 250062 250120 250148 250156 250188 250307 250350
250369 250398 250428 250429 250452 250473 250567 250606 250774 250783 250803 250848 250969 251009
251015 251016 251019 251054 251055 251088 251169 251175 251180 251201 251218 251219 251245 251262
251325 251384 251407 251445 251452 251461 251488 251489 251536 251544 251550 251570 251574 251608
251613 251624 251631 251635 251681 251686 251732 251791 251850 251854 251883 251955 251956 252032
252048 252055 252057 252074 252080 252081 252102 252165 252170 252182 252205 252209 252211 252216
252247 252256 252268 252327 252356 252394 252404 252435 252439 252444 252462 252478 252492 252543
252558 252582 252587 252597 252605 252630 252669 252683 252703 252753 252755 252756 252760 252819
252869 252904 252905 252917 252928 252944 252949 252968 252989 252991 253001 253020 253058 253090
253095 253100 253109 253215 253279 253280 253281 253292 253298 253311 253319 253322 253348 253349
253352 253354 253356 253422 253424 253425 253428 253429 253432 253433 253434 253436 253441 253442
253444 2534 45 253452 253455 253464 253465 253495 253497 253498 253499 253501 253583 253587 253588
253602 253634 253636 253637 253638 253639 253640 253641 253643 253657 253679 253680 253685 253686
253691 253692 253693 253723 253724 253730 253740 253741 253754 253772 253793 253795 253803 253804
253805 253809 253810 253823 253834 253859 253870 253901 253915 253919 253939 253940 253994 254061
254062 254090 254107 254110 254124 254286 254354 254403 254423 254435 254446 254447 254448 254474
254477 254493 254499 254536 254670 254676 254693 254710 254727 254748 254754 254762 254791 254796
254798 254800 254835 254873 254891 254922 254943 255011 255013 255015 255036 255037 255056 255099
255344 255368 255437 255501 255518 255519 255522 255523 255527 255533 255554 255569 255577 255585
255589 255596 255610 255625 255631 255633 255635 255639 255647 255656 255658 255741 255753 255822
255846 255854 255876 255935 255971 255988 256006 256020 256025 256064 256113 256114 256118 256137
256139 256146 256149 256151 256154 256162 256192 256215 256279 256280 256335 256354 256355 256436
256451 256452 256453 256464 256496 256555 256570 256571 256594 256597 256619 256623 256640 256647
256669 256687 256762 256770 256779 256798 256811 256812 256814 256873 256885 256904 256948 256955
2569 57 256977 256979 256992 257000 257044 257061 257076 257078 257132 257138 257162 257178 257199
257215 257227 257233 257254 257271 257310 257314 257321 257369 257385 257394 257396 257450 257467
257487 257510 257544 257546 257566 257604 257627 257660 257673 257674 257730 257788 257792 257874
257878 257897 257909 257912 257929 257931 257935 257958 258015 258017 258024 258046 258105 258119
258121 258122 258126 258130 258132 258135 258144 258150 258153 258161 258197 258206 258212 258221
258223 258232 258275 258290 258293 258326 258332 258347 258359 258382 258383 258387 258390 258391
258417 258421 258428 258430 258447 258488 258515 258610 258611 258622 258624 258645 258699 258720
258722 258728 258729 258740 258743 258754 258773 258774 258794 258866 258886 258898 258905 258925
258943 258959 258965 258981 258985 258987 258993 258998 259086 259091 259111 259121 259164 259235
259242 259308 259321 259333 259334 259344 259367 259368 259376 259465 259516 259534 259536 259562
259580 259609 259610 259612 259639 259689 259695 259713 259722 259726 259727 259729 259732 259737
259738 259753 259755 259768 259769 259772 259779 259783 259862 259881 259910 259911 259912 259950
259960 259977 260132 260263 260267 260355 260363 260367 260399 260436 260488 260603 260607 260613
260630 260648 260651 260682 260706 260717 260729 260753 260772 260802 260838 260839 260884 260899
260957 261023 261123 261241 261348 261351 261422 261579 261580 261582 261595 261667 261906 261948
262096 262106 262156 262258 262328 262329 262435 262446 262477 262480 262520 262521 262523 262546
262554 262557 262568 262572 262609 262632 262681 262683 262686 262694 262743 262793 262805 262810
262811 262820 262829 262833 262843 262849 262862 262879 262882 262889 262891 262917 262938 262949
262975 263005 263035 263036 263039 263049 263051 263058 263108 263131 263151 263178 263191 263201
263244 263247 263275 263292 263309 263342 263358 263390 263403 263405 263408 263414 263421 263466
263500 263528 263544 263545 263559 263591 263600 263611 263613 263672 263685 263686 263745 263829
263830 263863 263888 263906 263917 263957 264019 264033 264034 264078 264080 264109 264118 264221
264238 264257 264277 264295 264312 264407 264433 264438 264447 264448 264450 264454 264761 264762
264789 264868 264882 264969 264972 265017 265019 265091 265097 265138 265157 265170 265175 265198
265199 265332 265352 265407 265409 265410 265504 265505 265514 265591 265599 265656 265677 265755
265778 265779 265813 265830 265831 265844 265851 265854 265865 265880 265882 265888 265891 265895
265905 265927 265951 266004 266007 266031 266064 266112 266198 266207 266210 266213 266256 266271
266275 266298 266366 266377 266388 266431 266438 266441 266477 266490 266648 266669 266677 266704
266705 266775 266778 266789 266823 266922 266924 266938 266947 266982 266984 266989 266993 267101
267131 267132 267162 267215 267236 267245 267259 267430 267484 267498 267517 267579 267589 267629
267648 267675 267767 267776 267779 267817 267822 267828 267835 267839 267855 267885 267895 267949
267954 267996 268026 268065 268156 268157 268201 268210 268215 268224 268234 268253 268269 268292
268362 268453 268465 268485 268503 268506 268512 268516 268518 268520 268521 268523 268591 268754
268766 268792 268815 268848 268849 268859 268860 268861 268875 268876 268877 268884 268885 268893
268899 268903 268914 268920 268932 268954 268960 268968 268987 269006 269007 269008 269013 269027
269033 269042 269045 269046 269049 269052 269054 269056 269058 269059 269061 269081 269092 269108
269115 269116 269126 269129 269180 269186 269212 269252 269289 269300 269303 269308 269310 269311
269331 269341 269347 269362 269405 269408 269415 269420 269472 269506 269605 269634 269661 269700
269733 269738 269745 269746 269760 269762 269784 269789 269790 269800 269828 269830 269840 269858
269863 269872 269886 269921 269932 269950 269951 269972 269979 270013 270014 270017 270021 270022
270023 270029 270033 270069 270074 270086 270088 270091 270094 270095 270099 270106 270108 270109
270111 270120 270127 270143 270151 270152 270173 270176 270180 270181 270184 270192 270210 270211
270220 270223 270241 270242 270251 270256 270257 270273 270283 270284 270290 270295 270297 270308
270458 270460 270489 270586 270603 270612 270613 270620 270648 270651 270656 270657 270662 270715
270727 270729 270747 270749 270752 270756 270758 270775 270794 270806 270811 270813 270814 270821
270822 270825 270831 270832 270856 270867 270868 270879 270881 270933 270943 270946 270983 270992
271032 271050 271098 271100 271150 271188 271233 271241 271270 271309 271312 271362 271388 271391
271426 271701 271705 271707 271710 271711 271736 271760 271761 271779 271804 271810 271825 271852
271859 271904 271911 271918 271938 271948 271959 271995 271997 272051 272052 272066 272068 272157
272194 272202 272209 272219 272223 272232 272251 272255 272305 272314 272333 272351 272380 272387
272391 272402 272404 272416 272417 272424 272433 272451 272455 272466 272474 272488 272496 272497
272499 272533 272613 272642 272663 272676 272677 272687 272688 272689 272692 272693 272694 272695
272696 272698 272700 272736 272744 272772 272799 272819 272820 272821 272825 272844 272862 272887
272888 272890 272891 272917 272949 272951 272952 272973 272976 272977 272984 272986 272989 273028
273051 273052 273102 273111 273112 273122 273127 273159 273163 273176 273182 273184 273195 273204
273217 273218 273225 273232 273251 273252 273267 273268 273269 273270 273272 273280 273284 273303
273305 273315 273326 273338 273348 273413 273423 273429 273445 273451 273452 273453 273454 273455
273528 273536 273611 273617 273618 273648 273681 273683 273685 273690 273692 273697 273699 273700
273710 273713 273716 273720 273722 273726 273727 273728 273729 273735 273750 273751 273753 273761
273762 273766 273778 273781 273802 273803 273804 273807 273821 273824 273834 273856 273859 273869
273872 273880 273924 273927 273932 273934 273992 274006 274008 274026 274045 274046 274047 274048
274052 274054 274078 274100 274105 274106 274109 274110 274111 274112 274113 274114 274122 274124
274132 274134 274135 274136 274147 274151 274152 274157 274159 274160 274161 274165 274166 274176
274180 274220 274257 274286 274303 274306 274320 274362 274363 274365 274377 274405 274416 274425
274432 274435 274438 274449 274460 274486 274491 274535 274563 274575 274593 274599 274611 274618
274634 274636 274656 274696 274699 274715 274730 274732 274733 274734 274795 274838 274845 274880
274907 274908 274910 274925 274929 274933 274952 274956 274957 274964 274966 274981 274983 274984
275008 275067 275072 275079 275090 275092 275100 275106 275113 275127 275132 275135 275144 275150
275170 275203 275205 275213 275233 275249 275271 275272 275310 275346 275368 275377 275390 275393
275416 275420 275422 275427 275480 275496 275534 275535 275609 275611 275615 275617 275626 275673
275693 275694 275703 275704 275739 275744 275748 275786 275795 275796 275797 275819 275820 275821
275822 275823 275826 275828 275838 275844 275849 275853 275865 275876 275878 275879 275880 275889
275915 275932 275938 275950 275964 275980 275986 276007 276018 276019 276042 276064 276068 276101
276143 276160 276161 276162 276163 276181 276197 276212 276236 276240 276251 276266 276300 276308
276323 276326 276340 276344 276345 276348 276349 276356 276370 276371 276372 276374 276375 276399
276419 276426 276445 276449 276493 276547 276590 276612 276630 276636 276637 276638 276639 276642
276648 276657 276666 276668 276671 276672 276676 276678 276688 276690 276705 276706 276707 276789
276790 276791 276792 276801 276827 276839 276854 276869 276889 276909 276932 276933 276934 276937
276970 277002 277004 277006 277007 277010 277028 277031 277046 277048 277054 277055 277070 277071
277076 277101 277105 277120 277126 277145 277146 277173 277179 277183 277184 277203 277204 277205
277212 277294 277312 277319 277320 277325 277333 277350 277359 277370 277371 277374 277382 277383
277389 277390 277394 277493 277499 277559 277579 277620 277623 277627 277632 277635 277647 277650
277651 277700 277734 277735 277746 277771 277803 277805 277806 277827 277836 277852 277875 277876
277896 277907 277909 277913 277928 277939 277945 277970 277973 277974 277988 278012 278077 278089
278090 278098 278102 278123 278299 278341 278343 278345 278348 278367 278372 278374 278428 278436
278437 278440 278443 278449 278458 278464 278477 278479 278493 278495 278580 278604 278606 278615
278624 278631 278669 278670 278700 278701 278709 278716 278723 278726 278731 278735 278743 278750
278755 278757 278766 278786 278794 278797 278823 278824 278865 278867 278869 278907 278914 2789 23
278926 278927 278931 278942 278945 278955 278968 278969 278970 278979 278998 279030 279039 279044
279052 279053 279056 279062 279069 279084 279095 279142 279143 279160 279205 279229 279232 279244
279245 279258 279264 279278 279296 279312 279340 279402 279423 279430 279431 279437 279446 279452
279454 279474 279479 279484 279492 279514 279524 279525 279526 279534 279535 279544 279550 279573
279574 279578 279586 279605 279607 279612 279613 279620 279623 279624 279625 279633 279647 279654
279655 279657 279663 279670 279678 279705 279711 279728 279740 279745 279759 279774 279805 279824
279852 279895 279909 279947 279949 279978 279990 280017 280020 280035 280153 280161 280166 280174
280191 280202 280211 280219 280220 280221 280243 280244 280246 280247 280250 280251 280286 280289
280292 280300 280305 280351 280353 280374 280376 280388 280390 280425 280438 280493 280501 280506
280509 280512 280520 280554 280555 280565 280566 280576 280579 280585 280591 280599 280617 280618
280636 280640 280643 280647 280649 280682 280683 280684 280712 280721 280780 280848 280904 280934
280958 280965 280983 280984 281003 281006 281019 281026 281058 281060 281066 281077 281084 281088
281109 281114 281149 281168 281169 281190 281232 281255 281299 281304 281317 281323 2813 26 281333
281334 281353 281356 281376 281392 281393 281396 281407 281417 281421 281428 281431 281433 281446
281447 281450 281465 281516 281525 281534 281544 281553 281582 281599 281603 281606 281618 281641
281649 281660 281677 281720 281730 281738 281744 281747 281749 281757 281770 281777 281790 281842
281881 281900 281943 281969 281984 281989 281990 281991 281993 281998 282002 282009 282039 282076
282097 282104 282137 282151 282199 282220 282265 282285 282342 282347 282351 282360 282375 282383
282386 282403 282418 282421 282430 282440 282479 282489 282493 282532 282547 282551 282563 282573
282624 282647 282675 282697 282700 282753 282788 282799 282815 282833 282834 282835 282854 282856
282862 282890 282896 283082 283084 283115 283118 283121 283127 283164 283169 283171 283190 283191
283207 283212 283224 283229 283242 283247 283256 283272 283313 283351 283356 283393 283394 283396
283397 283399 283407 283442 283455 283458 283469 283485 283501 283516 283522 283523 283624 283691
283697 283716 283729 283732 283735 283757 283762 283765 283775 283777 283787 283789 283830 283834
283849 283895 283906 283910 283915 283921 283947 283980 283985 284003 284009 284082 284133 284153
284188 284226 284246 284250 284302 284303 284337 284345 284352 284373 284391 2844 05 284419 284436
284488 284494 284496 284521 284530 284534 284540 284543 284555 284591 284656 284669 284701 284702
284725 284727 284736 284742 284743 284746 284747 284750 284752 284753 284757 284759 284760 284766
284768 284770 284771 284792 284826 284840 284842 284873 284876 284879 284881 284887 284893 284906
284909 284917 284962 285002 285007 285025 285028 285039 285045 285048 285055 285062 285113 285119
285120 285131 285190 285198 285222 285229 285236 285267 285269 285302 285309 285312 285323 285324
285336 285366 285369 285372 285375 285408 285415 285416 285443 285455 285458 285462 285470 285476
285477 285480 285481 285483 285484 285504 285509 285547 285593 285596 285604 285619 285626 285628
285634 285636 285638 285643 285645 285646 285654 285669 285676 285719 285733 285744 285777 285786
285789 285790 285799 285800 285805 285809 285822 285826 285845 285866 285871 285877 285921 285946
285952 285953 285967 285975 285979 285986 285994 286003 286010 286013 286025 286039 286141 286192
286197 286237 286238 286253 286254 286262 286269 286271 286287 286288 286307 286362 286376 286387
286423 286449 286469 286514 286519 286579 286580 286631 286695 286704 286722 286759 286779 286821
286858 286865 286934 286939 286982 287000 287112 287115 287179 287211 2872 17 287218 287220 287223
287227 287229 287234 287240 287241 287249 287250 287267 287274 287288 287289 287295 287302 287303
287325 287350 287366 287384 287391 287456 287709 287711 287746 287757 287796 287810 287817 287823
287832 287835 287843 287845 287858 287861 287888 287916 287934 287959 287965 287966 287972 287976
287997 288062 288106 288155 288172 288175 288195 288212 288223 288225 288250 288252 288270 288272
288292 288307 288320 288337 288342 288411 288442 288461 288488 288490 288496 288534 288539 288540
288552 288560 288564 288589 288595 288596 288604 288627 288652 288653 288662 288666 288667 288722
288736 288737 288738 288741 288746 288747 288753 288758 288866 288894 288926 288938 288949 288952
288962 288969 288971 288981 288985 288999 289030 289031 289040 289121 289122 289126 289128 289137
289159 289161 289166 289177 289219 289252 289279 289298 289407 289412 289414 289415 289425 289428
289446 289447 289450 289459 289465 289498 289565 289600 289639 289641 289646 289653 289777 289795
289830 289890 289891 289897 290006 290018 290024 290030 290036 290131 290136 290163 290166 290177
290194 290202 290209 290227 290231 290238 290256 290257 290260 290274 290277 290281 290304 290366
290379 290386 290417 290441 290442 290459 290509 290516 290529 2905 33 290539 290540 290541 290542
290574 290606 290693 290762 290778 290817 290821 290822 290930 290983 291021 291064 291102 291106
291185 291190 291215 291217 291221 291229 291234 291241 291242 291256 291257 291273 291281 291282
291308 291395 291403 291406 291407 291433 291445 291524 291551 291598 291747 291782 291784 291857
291923 291925 291982 292004 292018 292029 292033 292047 292134 292192 292200 292221 292301 292306
292307 292322 292333 292338 292350 292354 292382 292399 292441 292600 292618 292650 292657 292675
292904 292950 292957 292958 292965 292968 293004 293058 293060 293063 293065 293101 293132 293162
293233 293268 293292 293296 293326 293338 293363 293400 293457 293460 293539 293540 293544 293548
293554 293555 293570 293571 293583 293593 293596 293598 293625 293629 293641 293659 293672 293712
293720 293745 293747 293768 293776 293779 293781 293793 293795 293821 293822 293853 293854 293867
293868 293887 293895 293905 293907 293940 294083 294347 294416 294440 294442 294444 294445 294574
294580 294581 294582 294602 294708 294781 294782 294799 294838 294842 294904 294909 294923 294949
294995 295055 295059 295060 295071 295184 295185 295203 295264 295291 295299 295368 295382 295415
295442 295444 295476 295486 295557 295565 295604 295630 2956 32 295633 295642 295643 295644 295658
295668 295671 295672 295678 295692 295704 295779 295833 295835 295902 295917 296004 296005 296044
296049 296068 296071 296088 296111 296160 296169 296187 296190 296219 296233 296263 296264 296268
296280 296287 296292 296295 296339 296430 296505 296541 296658 296771 296772 296775 296778 296797
296808 296818 296828 296832 296844 296848 296925 296926 296933 296940 296961 296968 296976 297070
297086 297102 297109 297123 297182 297185 297188 297203 297235 297268 297270 297300 297394 297437
297473 297475 297499 297508 297534 297600 297693 297705 297707 297727 297760 297770 297814 297815
297831 297840 297855 297870 297872 297885 297898 297903 297926 297930 297951 297964 297976 297977
297983 297987 297991 297996 298013 298015 298079 298089 298092 298093 298097 298207 298259 298272
298292 298383 298483 298542 298557 298579 298609 298708 298710 298734 298756 298758 298759 298766
298781 298810 298847 298848 298858 298861 298886 298915 298948 298954 298957 299052 299054 299082
299098 299127 299211 299229 299315 299371 299372 299374 299375 299389 299409 299410 299449 299454
299469 299557 299571 299572 299593 299596 299617 299650 299704 299715 299721 299723 299725 299728
299745 299753 299755 299759 299769 299770 299802 2998 89 299901 299907 299908 299910 299916 300002
300012 300089 300131 300194 300195 300210 300211 300219 300228 300229 300235 300262 300320 300346
300349 300468 300494 300530 300551 300565 300595 300650 300708 300711 300795 300913 300972 301002
301145 301146 301172 301208 301228 301272 301290 301373 301377 301378 301379 301391 301520 301521
301561 301562 301634 301668 301669 301710 301720 301785 301820 301925 301929 301947 301964 301966
301967 301974 301976 302052 302055 302074 302086 302089 302090 302102 302255 302383 302418 302422
302424 302443 302466 302474 302478 302479 302490 302491 302493 302497 302508 302541 302670 302695
302730 302747 302786 302791 302843 302850 302854 302909 302957 303001 303014 303016 303038 303051
303053 303058 303059 303078 303080 303081 303085 303109 303132 303151 303199 303241 303313 303334
303347 303414 303415 303431 303433 303443 303448 303463 303470 303474 303475 303489 303490 303495
303496 303501 303560 303565 303566 303595 303606 303607 303626 303646 303713 303714 303726 303727
303728 303730 303736 303759 303765 303769 303777 303781 303786 303792 303795 303803 303848 303872
303892 303912 303933 303934 303942 303943 303945 303949 303969 303975 303976 303979 303987 304006
304047 304100 304101 304127 304144 304146 3041 47 304148 304182 304330 304334 304335 304381 304383
304400 304432 304453 304455 304458 304494 304523 304524 304534 304535 304538 304543 304548 304550
304555 304560 304561 304564 304578 304580 304587 304609 304632 304654 304663 304665 304670 304671
304695 304699 304737 304738 304753 304754 304755 304760 304762 304766 304773 304783 304785 304786
304792 304793 304845 304853 304865 304881 305042 305052 305233 305340 305352 305383 305390 305393
305495 305506 305555 305562 305567 305568 305582 305593 305595 305637 305641 305655 305675 305676
305683 305694 305701 305710 305713 305729 305731 305754 305764 305771 305797 305803 305819 305828
305831 305840 305853 305857 305858 305867 305874 305892 305900 306034 306035 306036 306040 306050
306052 306058 306077 306084 306100 306130 306171 306177 306178 306179 306187 306215 306228 306230
306263 306273 306297 306336 306411 306415 306435 306490 306515 306520 306521 306529 306542 306555
306567 306576 306586 306590 306600 306603 306620 306656 306657 306708 306715 306716 306727 306757
306770 306808 306811 306815 306832 306869 306884 306966 306967 306970 306981 307014 307016 307028
307033 307034 307042 307045 307047 307091 307095 307098 307103 307104 307123 307209 307245 307247
307262 307264 307289 307299 307313 3073 14 307315 307316 307339 307356 307357 307377 307389 307390
307414 307435 307440 307453 307455 307466 307479 307480 307560 307585 307591 307606 307611 307615
307619 307629 307640 307655 307660 307663 307679 307687 307688 307689 307693 307722 307723 307732
307734 307746 307749 307750 307762 307765 307781 307794 307798 307830 307868 307885 307898 307904
307914 307919 307975 307982 307984 308074 308076 308085 308116 308149 308225 308228 308229 308230
308233 308241 308259 308266 308273 308275 308277 308294 308295 308297 308379 308384 308409 308413
308427 308432 308437 308459 308465 308467 308499 308506 308539 308541 308548 308549 308550 308551
308575 308577 308583 308589 308602 308609 308618 308649 308692 308801 308803 308814 308838 308857
308877 308897 308925 308932 308933 308938 308962 308966 308984 309006 309015 309025 309034 309035
309044 309046 309086 309121 309126 309139 309140 309141 309156 309167 309168 309169 309203 309231
309236 309300 309301 309307 309310 309313 309329 309350 309358 309376 309380 309396 309398 309400
309406 309409 309427 309470 309486 309508 309515 309516 309521 309523 309545 309560 309567 309568
309570 309571 309572 309575 309576 309598 309607 309622 309631 309646 309647 309650 309674 309723
309731 309737 309740 309745 3097 64 309766 309775 309780 309781 309791 309794 309803 309806 309810
309814 309852 309855 309856 309883 309900 309923 309933 309944 309946 309948 309955 309957 309962
309968 310015 310025 310033 310106 310119 310145 310150 310159 310169 310175 310190 310200 310222
310256 310279 310283 310291 310295 310299 310308 310338 310347 310349 310357 310367 310387 310405
310417 310422 310441 310452 310453 310457 310459 310460 310478 310482 310485 310525 310530 310532
310536 310537 310538
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